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I hookup the usb to my (MX LINUX/Debian) desktop but i see no detection from PC? I also tried pressing the boot button..
okay, i had to manually short boot pin with 3V like noted... the boot button doesnt work
When trying to flash the 'default firmware' file from examples I get following error:
[15:33:20.818] - EFUSE_CFG
[15:33:20.818] - BOOTHEADER_CFG
[15:33:20.822] - Create bootheader using /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu/efuse_bootheader_cfg.ini
[15:33:20.822] - Updating data according to </home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu/efuse_bootheader_cfg.ini[BOOTHEADER_CFG]>
[15:33:20.824] - Created file len:176
[15:33:20.826] - Create efuse using /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu/efuse_bootheader_cfg.ini
[15:33:20.827] - Updating data according to </home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu/efuse_bootheader_cfg.ini[EFUSE_CFG]>
[15:33:20.828] - Created file len:128
[15:33:20.830] - Image create path: /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu
[15:33:20.830] - Config file: /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/img_create_mcu/img_create_cfg.ini
[15:33:20.831] - Image hash is b'01949cf502c7187391ce086bbed2af655e76d59e2732703fbfd4145c2065768e'
[15:33:20.832] - Header crc: b'0fb6a2d2'
[15:33:20.832] - Write flash img
[15:33:20.833] - Encrypt efuse data
[15:33:20.833] - ========= eflash loader config =========
[15:33:20.842] - Version: eflash_loader_v2.4.3
[15:33:20.842] - Program Start
[15:33:20.843] - ========= eflash loader cmd arguments =========
[15:33:20.843] - None
[15:33:20.844] - Config file: /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/eflash_loader/eflash_loader_cfg.ini
[15:33:20.845] - serial port is /dev/ttyACM0
[15:33:20.845] - cpu_reset=False
[15:33:20.845] - chiptype: bl702
[15:33:20.845] - ========= Interface is uart =========
[15:33:20.846] - com speed: 2000000
[15:33:20.847] - Eflash load helper file: /home/ajit/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.1/chips/bl702/eflash_loader/eflash_loader_32m.bin
[15:33:20.847] - ========= load eflash_loader.bin =========
[15:33:20.847] - Load eflash_loader.bin via uart
[15:33:20.848] - ========= image load =========
[15:33:21.110] - default set DTR high
[15:33:21.210] - usb serial port
[15:33:21.264] - clean buf
[15:33:21.265] - send sync
[15:33:21.368] - ack is b''
[15:33:21.369] - retry
[15:33:21.369] - default set DTR high
[15:33:21.470] - usb serial port
[15:33:21.522] - clean buf
[15:33:21.524] - send sync
[15:33:21.727] - ack is b'4f4b'
[15:33:21.758] - shake hand success
[15:33:21.769] - get_boot_info
[15:33:21.772] - data read is b'0100020700000000931d00002400000400009ddc5b4cb97c'
[15:33:21.773] - ========= ChipID: 00009ddc5b4cb97c =========
[15:33:21.773] - last boot info: None
[15:33:21.774] - sign is 0 encrypt is 0
[15:33:21.775] - segcnt is 1
[15:33:21.779] - FL0204(BFLB_IMG_BOOTHEADER_CRC_ERROR)
[15:33:21.779] - result: FL0204(BFLB_IMG_BOOTHEADER_CRC_ERROR)
[15:33:21.780] - Img load fail
[15:33:21.780] - Load helper bin time cost(ms): 932.302001953125
[15:33:21.780] - ErrorCode: 0003, ErrorMsg: BFLB LOAD HELP BIN FAIL
[15:33:21.780] - Burn Retry
[15:33:21.780] - 0
[15:33:21.780] - Burn return with retry fail
How do I use use bluetooth with this?
Ok, so literally none of this works. It never shows up as a USB device, neither on Windows nor on Linux. On Linux I followed the instructions for SDK setup. All seems good, but in the end it does not compile:
"fatal: ambiguous argument 'origin/release_v1.4.5': unknown revision or path not in the working tree."
So I tried the Bouffalo Lab Dev Cube instead. Again, all seems well. Software starts up, but there's no COM port. Instead, the board shows up as /dev/ttyACM0. I reboot the board with 3.3V and BOOT pins bridged, the screen stays white, but it's the same thing. I go to MCU tab, select "refresh", again it shows up as /dev/ttyACM0.
When I try to flash anything it actually starts and seems to go well, but then crashes:
[22:21:36.302] - ========= load eflash_loader.bin ========= [22:21:36.302] - Load eflash_loader.bin via uart [22:21:36.302] - ========= image load ========= [22:21:36.302] - [Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyACM0' [22:21:37.304] - [Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyACM0' [22:21:38.307] - Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'writeTimeout' [22:21:38.310] - Not ack OK [22:21:38.310] - FL [22:21:38.310] - result: FL [22:21:38.310] - shake hand fail [22:21:38.310] - ######################################################################## [22:21:38.311] - 请按照以下描述排查问题: [22:21:38.311] - GPIO28是否上拉到板子自身的3.3V,而不是外部的3.3V [22:21:38.311] - GPIO15(RX)是否连接到USB转串口的TX引脚 [22:21:38.311] - GPIO14(TX)是否连接到USB转串口的RX引脚 [22:21:38.311] - 在使用烧录软件进行烧录前,是否在GPIO28拉高的情况下,使用Reset/Chip_En复位了芯片 [22:21:38.311] - 烧录软件所选择的COM口,是否是连接芯片的串口 [22:21:38.311] - 烧录软件上选择的波特率是否是USB转串口支持的波特率 [22:21:38.311] - 3.3V供电是否正常 [22:21:38.312] - 板子供电电流是否正常(烧录模式下,芯片耗电电流5-7mA) [22:21:38.312] - ######################################################################## [22:21:38.312] - shake hand fail [22:21:38.312] - Load helper bin time cost(ms): 2010.068115234375 [22:21:38.312] - ErrorCode: 0003, ErrorMsg: BFLB LOAD HELP BIN FAIL [22:21:38.312] - Burn Retry [22:21:38.312] - 0 [22:21:38.312] - Burn return with retry fail [22:21:40.464] - serial type is bouffalo [22:21:40.465] - Open /dev/ttyACM0 Fail