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Grouping of result columns

Open negbie opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

In Homer 5 it was possible to group search result columns. This was quite handy when you use Timeseries Monitoring Systems where you i.e. see how many bad responses comes from a certain Proxy but you don't know exactly if just one user or multiple user causing them. To group by from or to user showed you this very quickly.

negbie avatar Dec 15 '19 09:12 negbie

Good Point, more about the library we're using for grid than any other real choice at this time.

In parallel, we're trying to complement this with the "results widgets" which allow displaying the returned set as table OR as chart. This is still experimental but I suspect it would cover a similar role of grouping by any search result element (say, from_user or RURI) and stat a specific result as chart.

lmangani avatar Dec 15 '19 10:12 lmangani

Combined with Grafanas 6.3 data links this could be very usefull.

negbie avatar Dec 15 '19 10:12 negbie

https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-grouping/ Unfortunately this is an Enterprise feature. Let us check if there are external plugins for this

adubovikov avatar Dec 20 '19 08:12 adubovikov


adubovikov avatar Dec 20 '19 12:12 adubovikov

we can add this plugin later

adubovikov avatar Dec 20 '19 12:12 adubovikov