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Some thoughts on RTCP packet JSON re-design.

Open agafox opened this issue 3 years ago • 22 comments

There are a few issues in original RTCP packet JSON we found while reviewing following pull request to SIP3: https://github.com/sip3io/sip3-salto-ce/pull/77

I think it will be better to represent an RTCP packet JSON not as an object but as an array of RTCP reports JSON objects and here are the reasons why:

  1. Current RTCP packet JSON will always have a type of the last report from RTCP packet. For instanse, if original RTCP packet contains SR and SDES you will be able to understand that it actually has SR by analizing sender_info only: https://github.com/sipcapture/heplify/blob/master/protos/rtcp.go#L222
  2. In case if we received SR and RR in one and the same RTCP packet there will be a mess in report blocks (they will simply mix an information from both reports): https://github.com/sipcapture/heplify/blob/master/protos/rtcp.go#L286
  3. In case if we received RTCP packet with 2 SRs apart from the mess in report blocks there will be a mess in sender_information(which may cause wrong calculations of R-Factor for the first SR): https://github.com/sipcapture/heplify/blob/master/protos/rtcp.go#L236

agafox avatar Nov 20 '20 16:11 agafox

Hello @agafox nice to see you here and thanks for the valuable observations!

The first thing I'd like to point out is how this is not an heplify exclusive, and the many other existing clients implementing the HEP RTCP type 5 is not easy to patch necessarily for existing integrations or passive ones - the format was designed to be schema copy of the original structure more or less since it is to be integrated by 3rd party clients who are busy doing the real job of switching RTP/RTCP and not dedicated to reporting, such as RTP:Engine, RTPProxy, Asterisk, Freeswitch, etc. The current choices are explicitly picked not to load up the reporting agent with any memory or computing role such as assembling details about previous reports, keeping track of them, etc. With the above in place, the RTCP Type 5 is not very malleable and should be considered as-is.

The good news is HEP is open for new types all day and all night. What we could do, assuming this does not create an overly lengthy reports in size is to create a HEP Type 6 RTCP which could be based on Type 5 + the array and any optimizations support future PRs and HEP definitions might bring.

Open for discussion.

lmangani avatar Nov 20 '20 17:11 lmangani

That what I was thinking too. The easiest way is to introduce new type for RTCP packet with a better structure. If you want we can work together on the new packet design.

agafox avatar Nov 20 '20 18:11 agafox

@agafox without putting too much effort into this I could use https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/pion/rtcp parser. You will get an array of parsed RTCP packets with following structure:

	expected := []Packet{
			SSRC: 0x902f9e2e,
			Reports: []ReceptionReport{{
				SSRC:               0xbc5e9a40,
				FractionLost:       0,
				TotalLost:          0,
				LastSequenceNumber: 0x46e1,
				Jitter:             273,
				LastSenderReport:   0x9f36432,
				Delay:              150137,
			ProfileExtensions: []byte{},
			Chunks: []SourceDescriptionChunk{
					Source: 0x902f9e2e,
					Items: []SourceDescriptionItem{
							Type: SDESCNAME,
							Text: "{9c00eb92-1afb-9d49-a47d-91f64eee69f5}",
			Sources: []uint32{0x902f9e2e},
			SenderSSRC: 0x902f9e2e,
			MediaSSRC:  0x902f9e2e,
			SenderSSRC: 0x902f9e2e,
			MediaSSRC:  0x902f9e2e,

Code on my side would be tiny and wouldn't require more than this:

func ParsePionRTCP(data []byte) ([]byte, []byte, string) {
	packet, err := rtcp.Unmarshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err.Error()
	bytes, err := json.Marshal(packet)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err.Error()
	return uintsToBytes(packet[0].DestinationSSRC()), bytes, ""

func uintsToBytes(vs []uint32) []byte {
	buf := make([]byte, len(vs)*4)
	for i, v := range vs {
		binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[i*4:], v)
	return buf

I would introduce a new flag for this.

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 13:11 negbie

Thank you, @negbie! Looks perfect IMO. Pion is a future of RTC for sure, so it's good to re-use their parser. Plus packet structure is in accordance with RFC. I like it a lot.

agafox avatar Nov 21 '20 13:11 agafox

However, as far as I see Pion doesn't have RTCP-XR support at the moment... I assume it's good to have a new flag compatible in terms of functionality. It's up to you guys.

agafox avatar Nov 21 '20 13:11 agafox

Totally up to you. My first suggestion would cost me about 5min which is ok for me to spend this amount of time for such a small usecase. Adding XR reports on top of this would take more time which I can't just give away for free.

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 15:11 negbie

I'm all in with what you offered above. Talking about Pion implementation.

agafox avatar Nov 21 '20 18:11 agafox

My 2 cents - if this is to be sent over HEP, we can't just change the type format around and we need to keep in consideration other clients too in a healthy ecosystem. Changing it within the existing type with or without a flag (even if for the best) would only end up breaking the integrations. Create a new HEP type if this is a desirable format?

lmangani avatar Nov 21 '20 18:11 lmangani

Yip new HEP Type should be choosed aswell. Will change that tomorrow mby.

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 18:11 negbie

... and what is the point of bastardizing an existing HEP formats when its open for as many types as you wish? its an integer

lmangani avatar Nov 21 '20 19:11 lmangani

please don't mix or change the current one, just make a new HEP RTCP type and set it inside. I think the change existing type 5 will make a MESS

adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 19:11 adubovikov

or another way , use an own vendor ID in the chunk's vendor, but before register it in the list.

adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 19:11 adubovikov

All good let's just use new HEP RTCP type. Any suggestions?

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 20:11 negbie

https://github.com/sipcapture/HEP/blob/master/docs/HEP3_Network_Protocol_Specification_REV_30.pdf base on this, 0x40 is free for a next one: "RTCP SHORT" ?

adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 adubovikov

Ok, I will take 0x40. I don't think that it's really short because it produces a way bigger JSON than HEP Type 5. Pion RTCP parser produces with minimal introduced JSON tags something like this:

[{"SRSSRC":2884455299,"NTPTime":39684424097744,"RTPTime":3055083925,"PacketCount":229,"OctetCount":36640,"SenderReports":[{"SSRC":3124621683,"FractionLost":0,"TotalLost":0,"LastSequenceNumber":26124,"Jitter":0,"LastSenderReport":0,"Delay":0}],"ProfileExtensions":null},{"SourceDescriptions":[{"Source":2884455299,"Items":[{"Type":1,"Text":"sip:[email protected]"},{"Type":4,"Text":"78903377"}]}]},{"XRSSRC":2884455299,"VoIPMetricsReport":{"BlockType":7,"BlockLength":8,"SSRC":3124621683,"LossRate":0,"DiscardRate":0,"BurstDensity":0,"GapDensity":0,"BurstDuration":0,"GapDuration":0,"RoundTripDelay":0,"EndSystemDelay":78,"SignalLevel":234,"NoiseLevel":184,"EchoReturnLoss":75,"GapThreshold":16,"RFactor":91,"ExternalRFactor":127,"MeanOpinionScoreListening":43,"MeanOpinionScoreConversation":43,"RXConfig":48,"JitterBufferNominalDelay":0,"JitterBufferMaximumDelay":30,"JitterBufferAbsoluteMaximumDelay":300}}]

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 negbie


adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 adubovikov

Sounds good. RTCP PION (JSON)

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 negbie

sorry, I was calculated in the DEC.... 0x3a is the correct one

adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 adubovikov

Ok let's take 0x3a.

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 negbie



adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 21:11 adubovikov

Implemented with HEP Type 0x3a or 58 in Decimal. To enable this new RTCP PION HEP type use the flag -m SIPRTCPPION

negbie avatar Nov 21 '20 22:11 negbie


adubovikov avatar Nov 21 '20 22:11 adubovikov