bash-complete-partial-path copied to clipboard
Enhanced file path completion in bash (like in zsh)
Enhanced file path completion in bash
This project adds incomplete file path expansion to bash (the feature that was originally unique to zsh).
When the Tab key is pressed bash expands only the last piece of the path by
default, but with the completion functions from this project it will assume any
of path elements might be incomplete. For example: cd /u/s/app<Tab>
produce nothing by default, but will be expanded to cd /usr/share/applications
if you've configured bash to load this file.
Introductory overview is available at author's blog.
Watch a demo screencast to see this feature in action:
To enable the described behavior source this file from your
~/.bashrc and run _bcpp --defaults
. Supported features are:
- Special characters in completed path are automatically escaped if present
- Tilde expressions are properly expanded (as per bash documentation)
- If user had started writing the path in quotes, no character escaping is applied. Instead the quote is closed with a matching character after expanding the path.
- If bash-completion package is already in use, this code will safely override
function. No extra configuration is required, just make sure you source this project after the main bash-completion.
Completion functions have been tested and reported to work on:
- Linux (Debian 9, 10, 11)
- macOS (requires gnu-sed from brew)
- Windows (msys2, Git for Windows)
Automated tests are continuously executed on Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows (msys2).
Installation and updating
First you need to copy bash_completion file to your machine. Copy and
paste the following commands into your terminal to fetch the latest version of
the script to the default location (requires curl
to be installed).
# Install or update bash-complete-partial-path
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/" && \
curl \
-o "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/bash_completion" \
To enable the new completion behavior put the following lines into your
(or your OS equivalent).
# Enhanced file path completion in bash -
if [ -s "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/bash_completion" ]
source "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/bash_completion"
_bcpp --defaults
Make sure you source this project after the main bash-completion which may be
included in your ~/.bashrc
Runtime requirements
To use this completion script make sure your OS provides the following dependencies:
- GNU Bash, version 4 or newer (version 3.2 is not yet supported, see #8)
- GNU Sed (install it with brew on macOS)
- Core unix-like userland (mktemp, mkfifo, rm)
Custom feature selection
If you like the project idea overall but do not agree with default behavior,
you can select which features to enable with _bcpp
manager function. Sourcing
the file without calling this function has no side effects.
Usage: _bcpp OPTIONS
Manage enhanced path completion in bash
Enable the subset of features recommended by maintainer.
Currently equals to:
"--files --dirs --cooperate --nocase --readline"
Enable all optional features. Equals to:
"--files --dirs --cooperate --nocase --readline"
Show this help message
Individual feature flags:
Enable enhanced completion for file paths
Complete `cd` with paths to directories only
Cooperate with system-wide bash-completion if it's in use.
This function must be invoked AFTER the main bash-completion
is loaded.
Deprecated alias: --override
Make path completion case insensitive
Configure readline for better user experience. Equals to:
"--readline-menu --readline-color --readline-misc"
Enable colors in completion
Use `menu-complete` when Tab key is pressed instead of default
`complete`. Use Shift+Tab to return to previous suggestion
Other useful readline tweaks
Working together with other completion scripts
Partial path completion provided by this project is designed to work correctly
when bash-completion is in use (see --cooperate
flag). Make sure you
invoke _bcpp
after the main completion script has been sourced.
Enhanced completion will work for most, but not all commands unfortunately.
Some completion scripts within bash-completion project do not rely on global
functions but instead implement their own logic for path
completion. For such scripts there is no simple way to inject modified
completion algorithm without disabling the rest of their functionality.
If for any particular command you'll prefer partial path completion over its
provided completion script, you can run complete -F _bcpp_complete_file COMMANDNAME
(and/or add that to ~/.bashrc)
Issue tracker
GitHub's issue tracker is the primary venue for asking and answering support questions. Please don't forget to search closed issues for the topic you're interested in!
If you know an answer to the question asked by someone else, please do not hesitate to post it! That would be a great help to the project!
If for some reason you'd rather not use the issue tracker, contacting me via email is OK too. Please use a descriptive subject line to enhance visibility of your message. Also please keep in mind that support through the channels accessible to the public is preferable because one answer can help many people who might read it later.
My email is visible under the GitHub profile and in the commit log.
Community support
You might get faster and more interactive support from other users.
This project does not (yet) have a dedicated community venue, but experienced Linux users will most likely be able to figure out most common questions. You can try asking at the local Linux-related forums, IRC/Discord/Telegram chats or on Reddit/StackOverflow.
Thank you for taking an interest in this project! If you wish to improve it please open an issue or create a pull request. If you just want to share your emotions, we encourage you to do so here!
Your help is most needed in the following areas:
- Documenting the project
- Finding (and fixing) existing bugs
- Testing the script on other operating systems and reporting the results (both positive and negative)
- Expanding OS support (if it's lacking)
- Adding better demo asciicasts and screenshots
The project was created to do one thing (autocomplete partial paths) and to do it well. Please try to keep all code in one file and to keep it short. Major new functionality is probably better suited for a separate project.
I'm open to dialog and I promise to behave responsibly and treat all contributors with respect. Please try to do the same, and treat others the way you want to be treated.
Thank you again!
Information for developers
Executing set -v; set -x
before attempting completion enables printing a lot
of useful debugging information
Automated testing
Tests are implemented with Python and Pexpect. Read more here
License and copyright
Copyright © 2018-2019 Vitaly Potyarkin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use these files except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.