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The Workstation Migration Assistant is a visual wrapper for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, designed to simplify the capture / restore process for your end-users, and at the same time being hig...
Just a note about the source to start with. It was built in Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 so it’s likely a requirement in order to open.
The Workstation Migration Assistant is a visual wrapper for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, designed to simplify the capture / restore process for your end-users, and at the same time being highly configurable so that it can be customised to suit your organisations needs. Some of the features include:
• Migrate via a pre-defined network storage location, external USB drive, or user-specified location. USB drive detection is automatic, and you can decide whether drives below a certain size are ignored (ie, memory sticks) • Optional Hard Disk Health Check will run a CHKDSK prior to capture and fix errors if any are found • Optional Encryption using a pre-defined company encryption key, or per-user customised encryption (for highly sensitive data that can’t be stored on a server without being encrypted) • Use different configurations for "XP Only" (2000 / XP to XP) migrations via Standard (2000 / XP / Vista / Win 7 to XP / Vista / Win 7) • Automatically run pre and post-capture / restore scripts and programs (very useful to further configure machine settings) • Migrate domain only accounts, or domain and local • Automatically exclude certain domain or local accounts from the migration • Automatically send log files to an e-mail address via SMTP after the migration • On-screen status during every stage of the migration, including ETA • Option to limit migrations to a certain size, i.e. if over 20GB of data to backup, then fail and inform user. This is also overridable • Automatic checks for USMT installation and optionally download and install • Command-line automation • Super-pretty UI :)
*** Pre-requisites ***
Please note that the Workstation Migration Assistant requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to function. If you don’t have it installed, you’ll receive an error when you try to run WMA
Installation and configuration
• Extract the files to a local folder. It IS possible to run WMA from a network location, however this requires modifying the .NET security restrictions on each workstation you intend to run on. This can be done by running the following command from an Administrator Elevated command-prompt:
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol" -quiet -m -ag "LocalIntranet_Zone" -url "\UNCPATH\WMA\App*" FullTrust -n "Workstation Migration Assistant Assembly" -d "Grants full trust"
Where \UNCPATH\WMA\App is the full path to the Workstation Migration Assistant
• Copy your USMT RuleSet files (MigUser.XML, MigApp.XML, MigSys.XML). If you do not have any, WMA will automatically copy these into the WMA folder on first run. Tailor them to suit your needs.
• If required, generate a config file from your RuleSet files. This step is not required, but will speed up the initial scan time of a migration. This is done by running:
ScanState.Exe /I:MigUser.XML /I:MigApp.XML /I:MigSys.XML /GenConfig:MyConfig.XML
Use the /TargetXP switch for XP Only migrations. This will speed up the migration process on these machine types.
• Edit the Workstation Migration Assistant configuration file (MigAssistant.Exe.Config). The following options are available:
MigrationNetworkLocation Location for Network-based Migrations
MigrationNetworkLocationDisabled Whether Network-based Migrations are disabled
MigrationExclusionsDomain Comma-delimited list of domain accounts to exclude
MigrationExclusionsLocal Comma-delimited list of local accounts to exclude
MigrationExclusionsOlderThanDays Specifies that the migration should exclude users that have not logged on within the specified time. The default value of 0 means this setting will be ignored
MigrationXPOnly Whether migrations are "XP Only". XPOnly rules then apply, including /TargetXP switch in USMT
MigrationConfig Default configuration file, created with ScanState /GenConfig: switch
MigrationConfigXPOnly XP Only configuration file, created with ScanState /GenConfig: switch
MigrationMultiUserMode If set, defaults the migration type to multi-user mode
MigrationRuleSet Comma-delimited list of default ruleset files, ie. MigUser.XML, MigApp.XML, MigSys.XML
MigrationRuleSetXPOnly Comma-delimited list of XP Only ruleset files, ie. MigUser.XML, MigApp.XML, MigSys.XML
MigrationUSBMinSize Minimum size an attached USB drive needs to be before WMA will try to use for migration
MigrationUSBAutoUseIfAvailable Automatically uses an attached USB drive if found, without prompting. Useful in ZTI scenarios
MigrationMaxSize Maximum size of data allowed during capture process
MigrationOverWriteExistingFolders Whether an existing migration should be automatically overwritten should it be found
MigrationCompressionDisabled Disables compression (and encryption). This is useful for testing your ruleset to ensure everything is migrated
MigrationDomainChange Whether users should be migrated to a new domain during LoadState
MigrationEncryptionDisabled Whether encryption is enabled or disabled
MigrationEncryptionDefaultKey The default encryption key to use in migrations
MigrationRestoreAccountsPassword The password that should be set for accounts when multiple accounts are being migrated
MigrationRestoreAccountsEnabled Whether accounts should be enabled when multiple accounts are being migrated
MigrationScriptsPreCapture Comma-delimted list of scripts/executables to run pre-Capture
MigrationScriptsPostCapture Comma-delimted list of scripts/executables to run post-Capture
MigrationScriptsPreRestore Comma-delimted list of scripts/executables to run pre-Restore
MigrationScriptsPostRestore Comma-delimted list of scripts/executables to run post-Restore
MigrationScriptsNoWindow Whether output should be shown from these scripts
SettingsHealthCheckDefaultEnabled Whether the Health Check should be enabled by default
SettingsWorkstationDetailsDisabled Whether the Workstation Details panel should be disabled and hidden
SettingsAdvancedSettingsDisabled Whether the Advanced Settings button and window show be disabled and hidden
MailSend Whether an SMTP mail should be sent after capture / restore
MailServer SMTP Server
MailRecipients Comma-delimited list of e-mail recipients
MailFrom Email address from which the mail should come from
USMTLoggingValue Verbosity level for Scanstate / Loadstate. More info in USMT Help file (USMT.CHM)
SettingsDebugMode Whether debugging is enabled / disabled. Debugging is outputted to the file %TEMP%\WMA.Log
*** Command Line Parameters ***
It is possible to automate the Workstation Migration Assistant via the command-line. The following parameters are available:
/PROGRESSONLY <CAPTURE | RESTORE> Initiate an automatic capture / restore.
/MIGOVERWRITEEXISTING Automatically overwrites the existing migration datastore if it exists
/MIGMAXOVERRIDE Overrides the specified maximum size of the migration data during capture
/MULTIUSERMODE If set, defaults the migration type to multi-user mode
/XPONLY Enables “XP Only” mode if the target machine will be XP