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feat: Add additional auto advance time controls
Purpose (TL;DR)
This adds a new mode for automatically advancing time that moves more quickly than the existing shouldAdvanceTime, which uses real time. It also adds the ability to modify the initial values that were used for shouldAdvanceTime and advanceTimeDelta. shouldAdvanceTime
is useful in some situations, but is not useful for solving the problem that testers usually install mock clocks for (to speed up time).
Testing with mock clocks can often turn into a real struggle when dealing with situations where some work in the test is truly async and other work is captured by the mock clock.
In addition, when using mock clocks, testers are always forced to write tests with intimate knowledge of when the mock clock needs to be ticked. Oftentimes, the purpose of using a mock clock is to speed up the execution time of the test when there are timeouts involved. It is not often a goal to test the exact timeout values. This can cause tests to be riddled with manual advancements of fake time. It ideal for test code to be written in a way that is independent of whether a mock clock is installed or which mock clock library is used. For example:
// https://testing-library.com/docs/dom-testing-library/api-async/#waitfor
await waitFor(() => expect(mockAPI).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1))
When mock clocks are involved, the above may not be possible if there is some delay involved between the click and the request to the API. Instead, developers would need to manually tick the clock beyond the delay to trigger the API call.
This is different from the existing shouldAdvanceTime
in the following ways:
is essentially setInterval(() => clock.tick(ms), ms)
while this feature is const loop = () => setTimeout(() => clock.nextAsync().then(() => loop()), 0);
There are two key differences between these two:
so it synchronously runs all timers inside the "ms" of the clock queue. This doesn't allow the microtask queue to empty between the macrotask timers in the clock whereas something liketickAsync(ms)
(or a loop aroundnextAsync
) would. This could arguably be considered a fixable bug in its implementation -
uses real time to advance the same amount of real time in the mock clock. The way I understand it, this feels somewhat like "real time with the opportunity to advance more quickly by manually advancing time". This would be quite different: It advances time as quickly possible and as far as necessary. Without manual ticks,shouldAdvanceTime
would only be capabale of automatically advancing as far as the timeout of the test and take the whole real time of the test timeout. In contrast,setTickMode({mode: "nextAsync"})
can theoretically advance infinitely far, limited only by processing speed. Somewhat similar to the --virtual-time-budget feature of headless chrome.
In addition to the "quick mode" of shouldAdvanceTime
, this also adds the ability to modify the initially configured values for shouldAdvanceTime and advanceTimeDelta.