René Sinnbeck

Results 25 comments of René Sinnbeck

Yeah I have it running in a PHP 8.2 project as well and it works just fine. The issue is that when working on a PR I am forced to...

Thanks for the suggestion. I just made a simple Dockerfile instead :) ```Dockerfile FROM php:7.4-cli RUN curl -sSL -o - | sh -s \ bcmath zip COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer...

Wow thanks for the awesome answers! It can see it uses around 250 MB of ram (I use generators to keep memory as low as possible), but luckily the system...

Oh I had hoped there would be an "import cases from csv" thing in the menu or something. But they can still download it and put the files next to...

Hm weird. I am certain I checked it multiple times and was able to recreate it. I will close this for now and reopen if I find out how I...