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Define fortify and autoplot functions to allow ggplot2 to handle some popular R packages.

Note: This package has been maintained by @terrytangyuan <>_ since 2015. Please consider sponsoring <>_!

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This package offers fortify and autoplot functions to allow automatic ggplot2 to visualize statistical result of popular R packages. Check out our R Journal paper <>_ for more details on the overall architecture design and a gallery of visualizations created with this package. Also check out autoplotly package <>_ that could automatically generate interactive visualizations with plotly.js <>_ style based on ggfortify. The generated visualizations can also be easily extended using ggplot2 syntax while staying interactive.


  • Install the latest stable release from CRAN: ::


  • Install the development version from Github: ::

    if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github('sinhrks/ggfortify')


  • Concepts and Basics of ggfortify <>_
  • Plotting Diagnostics for LM and GLM with ggplot2 and ggfortify <>_
  • Plotting Time Series with ggplot2 and ggfortify <>_
  • Plotting PCA, clustering, LFDA and MDS <>_
  • Plotting Survival Curves using ggplot2 and ggfortify <>_
  • Plotting Probability Distributions with ggplot2 and ggfortify <>_
  • Automatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations in ggplot2 and plotly Styles <>_
  • 一行R代码实现繁琐的可视化 <>_


To cite ggfortify in publications, please use (available via citation("ggfortify")):

Yuan Tang, Masaaki Horikoshi, and Wenxuan Li (2016). ggfortify: Unified Interface to Visualize Statistical Result of Popular R Packages. The R Journal, 8.2, 478-489.

Masaaki Horikoshi and Yuan Tang (2016). ggfortify: Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results.


This covers following classes:

  • base::matrix
  • base::table (supports fortify only)
  • cluster::clara
  • cluster::fanny
  • cluster::pam
  • cluster::silhouette
  • changepoint::cpt
  • fGarch::fGARCH
  • forecast::bats
  • forecast::forecast
  • forecast::ets
  • forecast::nnetar
  • fracdiff::fracdiff
  • glmnet::cv.glmnet
  • glmnet::glmnet
  • KFAS::signal (inference)
  • lfda::lfda
  • lfda::klfda
  • lfda::self
  • maps::map
  • MASS::isoMDS (inference)
  • MASS::sammon (inference)
  • raster::RasterBrick
  • raster::RasterCommon
  • raster::RasterLayer
  • raster::RasterStack
  • ROCR::performance
  • sp::Line
  • sp::Lines
  • sp::Polygon
  • sp::Polygons
  • sp::SpatialLines
  • sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame
  • sp::SpatialPoints
  • sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame
  • sp::SpatialPolygons
  • sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
  • splines::basis
  • stats::acf
  • stats::ar
  • stats::Arima
  • stats::cmdscale (inference)
  • stats::decomposed.ts
  • stats::density
  • stats::factanal
  • stats::glm
  • stats::HoltWinters
  • stats::kmeans
  • stats::lm
  • stats::prcomp
  • stats::princomp
  • stats::spec
  • stats::stepfun
  • stats::stl
  • stats::ts
  • survival::survfit
  • survival::survfit.cox
  • survival::survfitms
  • strucchange::breakpoints
  • strucchange::breakpointsfull
  • timeSeries::timeSeries
  • tseries::irts
  • vars::varprd
  • xts::xts
  • zoo::zooreg

Helper Functions

  • ggdistribution to plot PDF/CDF
  • ggcpgram to plot cpgram
  • ggtsdiag to plot tsdiag
  • ggfreqplot to generalize monthplot

ggplot2 Families

There are some useful plotting packages using ggplot2. ggfortify will not focus on area already covered by these packages.

  • GGally <>_
  • dendextend:ggdend <>_
  • ggRandomForests <>_
  • ggmcmc <>_