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Frontend DSA Class Plan
Classes | Date | |
1 | Advanced Problems On Arrays | Jun, 30 |
2 | Advanced Problem On Arrays and Objects | July, 1 |
3 | Doubt Class | July, 3 |
4 | Time And Space Complexity | July, 4 |
5 | How To Solve Recursion Problems | July, 6 |
6 | Advanced Problem Solving On Recursion | July, 8 |
7 | Advanced Problem Solving On Recursion | July, 9 |
8 | Doubt Solving | July, 10 |
9 | Algorithms: Binary Search Part-1 | July, 11 |
10 | Algorithms: Binary Search Part-2 | July, 15 |
11 | Doubt Solving | July, 17 |
12 | Revision: Problem Solving Binary Search | July, 18 |
13 | Problem Solving: Binary Search on Answer | July, 20 |
14 | Problem Solving: Binary Search on Answer (Contd.) | July, 21 |
15 | Revision on Merge Sort | July, 25 |
1. Advanced Problems On Arrays
June, 30 | |
Notes | |
anagram.js | Two strings are called anagrams of each other if they are permutations of each other. |
2. Advanced Problem On Arrays and Objects
July, 1 | |
Notes | |
frequencyInAString.js | Print the frequency of each unique character in a string. |
firstNonRepeating.js | Find the first non-repeating character in a string. |
subarraysum0.js | Given an array of integers, check if there is any subarray with of it's elements as zero. |
3. Doubt Class
July, 3 | |
Notes | |
shiftElementToLast.js | Given an array of integers, of length n, modify the array such that all the negative numbers are shifted to the last. |
4. Time And Space Complexity
July, 4 | |
Notes | |
Complexity.js | Complexity Examples. |
RecursiveComplexity.js | Recursive Complexity Examples |
5. How To Solve Recursion Problems
July, 6 | |
Notes1, Notes2 | |
CSES Problem Set | Dice Combinations |
CSES Problem Set | Removing Digits |
Count the number of ways to reach the destination in a Maze |
6. Advanced Problem Solving On Recursion
July, 8 | |
Notes | |
ratInAMaze.js | Rat in a maze |
nQueens.js | N Queens |
7. Advanced Problem Solving On Recursion
July, 9 | |
Notes | |
sudoku.js | Sudoku Solver |
Knightstour.js | Knights Tour |
8. Doubt Solving
July, 10 | |
combinationsum.js | |
CSES Problem Set | Coin Combinations I |
CSES Problem Set | Coin Combinations II |
9. Algorithms: Binary Search Part-1
July, 11 | |
Notes | Binary Search, <BR>UPPER BOUND, <BR>LOWER BOUND |
10 Algorithms: Binary Search Part-2
July, 15 | |
Notes | |
1. | Given a sorted array and an element X, check if the element is repeated. |
2. | Given a sorted array where every element is present twice except one element. Find the single occurring element. (Element is not given.) |
3. | Given an array of length n, where elements are sorted, all the elements are unique but one element is present twice, and the elements lie in the range [0, n-2]. Find the repeating element. |
Home Work | What if instead of dividing the array into two parts, we start dividing the array into 3 parts. As (log3n < log2n) ? |
11 Doubt Solving
July, 17 | |
Notes | XOR N Queens Subsequence Vs Subset |
1. | Given a sorted rotated array, find the min element in less than O(n). |
12 Revision: Problem Solving Binary Search
July, 18 | |
Notes | |
1. | Find three unique set(s) having an equal sum. |
2. | In an array find a pair with a given sum |
3. | Total Triplets |
Home Work | H/W gave on Jul 15: Do you think it’s a good idea to divide your search space into 3 parts (Ternary Search)? Dividing it into 2 parts makes sense because it gives you less number of comparisons, but, How many comparisons? If we divide merge sort into 3 subarrays instead of 2, How many comparisons will increase? Calculate the factor by which it will increase. |
13 Problem Solving: Binary Search on Answer
July, 20 | |
Notes | Binary Search Problems - Medium - Hard |
1. Codeforces: | Pair of Topics. Find the number of good pairs of topics. |
2. SPOJ: | Not a Triangle. Triplet that does not form a triangle. |
3. SPOJ: | Find the total number of sextuples. |
Home Work | Knowing that triplets need to be compared, can we somehow use binary search to solve the question? |
14 Problem Solving: Binary Search on Answer (Contd.)
July, 21 | |
Notes | |
4. SPOJ: | Subset Sums. |
5. | Given a number x, calculate the integer part of the square root of x. |
6. | Now, calculate with more precision, up to 3 decimal places. |
Home Work | Write the code for handling the precision. |
15 Revision on Merge Sort
July, 25 | |
Notes | Merge Sort |
mergesort.js | |
mergetwosortedarray.js | |
invcnt.js, SPOJ | Inversion Count Double Inversion Count |
1. | Given 2 sorted arrays of different sizes, combine them such that the combined array is sorted. (Merge 2 sorted arrays) |
2. | Given an unsorted array, can we sort it, using the same algorithm? |
3. | Why do we only divide the array into 2 parts and not in 3 in merge sort? |
Stackoverflow | Merge Sort Time & Space Complexity. |