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A Django project to help users to create free, fast and secure blogs on GitHub Pages and Jekyll.



Create Jekyll blogs and host them on GitHub pages. Post content using JekLog.

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How to install and use

Install postgresql

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql

We use virtualenv for the python installation process. This is the recommended way of installing.

  • Use the following link for the installation process.

Virtual environment installation

After this, you need to get the code using fork and git clone

Fork and clone the code using the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install git

$ git clone

$ cd theJekyllProject

While in the virtual environment, use the following command to install the requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you need to get tokens for the github app. Create the tokens with proper callback URI and add both things to djangoFiles/djangoFiles/

For this go to the link:

with the following credentials:

- App name: jeklog
- Homepage URL:
- callback URI:

Take the Client ID and put it in the djangoFiles/djangoFiles/ file against variable SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY and client secret against variable SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET.


Use direnv to host the settings in the .envrc file.

Read more about direnv here

Your .envrc file should look like this:

export [email protected]                                      
export EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=pass123                                     
export SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY=mojeiwej22i39j9                              
export SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET=0jn92jnjr9n3j9k0000

After this you need to create the database. For this use the following command

This command will create jeklog user. Enter jeklog as the password as well. You can choose some other name and change the configuration settings in the djangoFiles/djangoFiles/

$ sudo -u postgres createuser --no-createrole --no-superuser --login --inherit --createdb --pwprompt jeklog

After this create a database named jeklog with the created user, using the following command.

$ createdb --encoding=utf-8 --owner=jeklog --user=jeklog --password --host=localhost --port=5432 jeklog

Now start the server and hopefully, everything will work without any error. If some error occurs, let us know.

$ cd djangoFiles

$ python makemigrations

$ python migrate

$ python runserver

Future Scope

We are going to use environment variables for settings file. Direnv is a good tool for this purpose.

We are going to build a proper useable server for the admin users. So that you guys can run it on your system.