BulletJournal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BulletJournal copied to clipboard

An organizational system that helps you keep track of everything in your busy life

BulletJournal is an open source platform for notebook keeping, ledger management, task/project management and coordination with speciality in personal organization, scheduling, reminders, to-do lists, notes sharing, multi-person ledger and team project collaboration.

You can join Slack Group for discussion.


  • Docker

Pre-requisite (Docker)

  • Docker 19.03.5+
  • Postgres 9.4+
  • Docker Compose 1.25+ (optional but recommended)

Quick Start

Please open the terminal and execute the command below. Make sure you have installed docker-compose in advance.

git clone https://github.com/singerdmx/BulletJournal.git
cd BulletJournal
chmod +x buildImage.sh
chmod +x start.sh

Next, you can look into the docker-compose.yml for detailed config parameters. Then execute the command below to start the services.


Open the browser and enter https://localhost to see the UI interface. Open the browser and enter http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to see the API documentation.