yoctocolors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
yoctocolors copied to clipboard

The smallest and fastest command-line coloring package on the internet

yoctocolors 🌈

The smallest and fastest command-line coloring package on the internet

Check out Chalk if you want something more mature and comprehensive.


  • Tiny
  • Fast
  • Tree-shakeable
  • No dependencies
  • Actively maintained


npm install yoctocolors


import * as colors from 'yoctocolors';


This package supports basic color detection. Colors can be forcefully enabled by setting the FORCE_COLOR environment variable to 1 and can be forcefully disabled by setting NO_COLOR or NODE_DISABLE_COLORS to any value. More info.



  • reset - Reset the current style.
  • bold - Make the text bold.
  • dim - Make the text have lower opacity.
  • italic - Make the text italic. (Not widely supported)
  • underline - Put a horizontal line above the text. (Not widely supported)
  • overline - Put a horizontal line below the text. (Not widely supported)
  • inverse- Invert background and foreground colors.
  • hidden - Print the text but make it invisible.
  • strikethrough - Put a horizontal line through the center of the text. (Not widely supported)


  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • gray

Background colors

  • bgBlack
  • bgRed
  • bgGreen
  • bgYellow
  • bgBlue
  • bgMagenta
  • bgCyan
  • bgWhite
  • bgGray

Prior art



$ ./benchmark.js
│ (index) │    library     │   ops/sec   │
│    0    │ 'yoctocolors'  │ '8,771,930' │
│    1    │  'nanocolors'  │ '6,896,552' │
│    2    │  'colorette'   │ '6,172,840' │
│    3    │  'picocolors'  │ '6,060,606' │
│    4    │ 'kleur/colors' │ '5,263,158' │
│    5    │    'chalk'     │ '4,484,305' │
│    6    │    'kleur'     │ '3,731,343' │
│    7    │ 'ansi-colors'  │ '1,283,697' │
│    8    │  'cli-color'   │  '393,236'  │

See benchmark.js.


What is yocto?

It's the smallest official unit prefix in the metric system. Much smaller than nano.


  • yoctodelay - Delay a promise a given amount of time
  • chalk - Terminal string styling