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Can Discussions replace Ask me anything?

Open antleblanc opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Hi :hand:!

I noticed that you've recently opened repository that enable Discussions feature.


I'm wondering if current format ("Ask me anything") which uses mainly Issues, could be converted into a Discussion.

What's your feeling about this?

Feature Discussions:

:pray: Thank you!

antleblanc avatar Dec 10 '20 21:12 antleblanc

Yeah, it could. We could document that option. I don't plan to move to discussions myself in the near future as it's too much work to manually move individual issues. But for new AMA's, it does make sense.

sindresorhus avatar Dec 19 '20 08:12 sindresorhus

@antleblanc If you'd like a template to use for an AMA with Discussions instead of Issues, I just updated my (mostly dead) AMA repo to use it:

obahareth avatar Jan 03 '21 00:01 obahareth