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Create Alfred workflows with ease

Results 17 alfy issues
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Any time any console logs are attempted, it crashes the execution context. Here is minimum reproducable code: ```js import alfy from "alfy"; const data = await alfy.fetch(""); // alfy.log("DATA", data);...

First of all, I'm loving Alfy so far ❤️ So there's this new awesome new runtime Bun: And I'm thinking that Alfred workflows would be really nice to run...

Hi! Thanks for creating this lib! In a script filter I can return a bunch of images with `title`, `description` and `arg`. Is it also possible to pass an image...

[alfy]( is a very convenient tool, and based on it, a color conversion tool called [alfred-color-converter]( is made.

I noticed that a very simple script of mine (just returning a query from a JSON file) was much slower than expected. It turns out that just `require('alfy')` adds about...

Hey, I've created a new workflow with yeoman generator: ```js 'use strict'; const alfy = require('alfy'); alfy.output([ { title: 'Unicorn', subtitle: alfy.input } ]); ``` output ``` [00:16:30.984] alfy-pkc[Script Filter]...

[]( You can [set variables in Alfred]( by writing to stdout using a special JSON format. It would be handy if `alfy.output` supported this, perhaps in a special `variables` key:...

help wanted
:dollar: Funded on Issuehunt

[]( Alfred's workflow debugger only shows output from ```stderr```. These lines redirect all output from ```stderr``` to ```alfy.error()```, which then uses ```console.log()``` to print it to ```stdout```: ```js loudRejection(alfy.error); process.on('uncaughtException',...

help wanted
:dollar: Funded on Issuehunt

the index.js is ```javascript ``` const alfy = require('alfy'); alfy.output([{ title: 'Unicorn' }, { title: 'Rainbow' }]); > and the console outputs the error: ``` [ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: {...

help wanted

[]( I'm getting the following error when just trying to log a string with `alfy.log`: ``` [ERROR: input.scriptfilter] JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and...

help wanted
:dollar: Funded on Issuehunt