aggregate-error icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aggregate-error copied to clipboard

Make it more spec compliant

Open BebeSparkelSparkel opened this issue 6 years ago • 15 comments

When used with mocha the errors are displayed twice. Is there a way to have it only display once?

const AggregateError = require('aggregate-error')

it('should fail', function() {
  throw new AggregateError([
    new Error('first'),
    new Error('second')

The report is

  1) should fail

  0 passing (12ms)
  1 failing

  1) should fail:
    Error: first
        at Context.<anonymous> (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/try_aggregate-error.js:5:5)
        at callFn (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:354:21)
        at (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:346:7)
        at Runner.runTest (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:442:10)
        at /Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:560:12
        at next (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:356:14)
        at /Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:366:7
        at next (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:290:14)
        at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:334:5)
    Error: second
        at Context.<anonymous> (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/try_aggregate-error.js:6:5)
        at callFn (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:354:21)
        at (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:346:7)
        at Runner.runTest (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:442:10)
        at /Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:560:12
        at next (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:356:14)
        at /Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:366:7
        at next (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:290:14)
        at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/williamrusnack/Documents/event_sequencing/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:334:5)
      Error: first
          at Context.<anonymous> (try_aggregate-error.js:5:5)
      Error: second
          at Context.<anonymous> (try_aggregate-error.js:6:5)
      at Context.<anonymous> (try_aggregate-error.js:4:9)

BebeSparkelSparkel avatar Jan 10 '18 23:01 BebeSparkelSparkel

I have a feeling it's because of but I'm not sure what Mocha is doing to trigger it.

sindresorhus avatar Jan 11 '18 01:01 sindresorhus

// @boneskull

sindresorhus avatar Mar 16 '19 09:03 sindresorhus

good question!

boneskull avatar Mar 16 '19 16:03 boneskull

whoever wants to look into this, please create an issue and PR on Mocha's issue tracker. The problem is likely somewhere in this function.

boneskull avatar Apr 26 '19 06:04 boneskull

I think one problem is that aggregate-error puts all the stacks of the errors into message, but imo message should only contain the aggregated messages. The aggregated stacks with messages could be returned when .toString() is invoked, just like with regular Errors.

felixfbecker avatar May 01 '19 17:05 felixfbecker

Tested Chrome does not invoke toString() for errors, but it uses stack, and it's possible to assign this.stack to a custom concatenation of everything

felixfbecker avatar May 01 '19 17:05 felixfbecker

Yeah, I want to align this better with

  • [ ] Make the .message just the message of the AggregateError, and fix up the .stack.
  • [x] Change to use an .errors property instead of the instance being iterable.
  • [ ] message argument:

sindresorhus avatar Jul 17 '20 20:07 sindresorhus

I'll be watching this one--Mocha should understand these errors.

boneskull avatar Jul 17 '20 23:07 boneskull

@sindresorhus this setup is arguably better than the spec :(

timoxley avatar Oct 03 '20 15:10 timoxley

@timoxley How so?

sindresorhus avatar Oct 03 '20 17:10 sindresorhus

tbh stuffing the stack(s) into message seems like misuse of the prop

boneskull avatar Oct 03 '20 19:10 boneskull

@sindresorhus Spec AggregateError displays ok in node because it also prints the error's own properties via util.inspect, but errors are entirely hidden in the browser console using console.log or console.error:


But does give better logging with console.dir


So I guess the problem is really more of a shortcoming of the browser console implementation rather than AggregateError itself. Nevermind

timoxley avatar Oct 09 '20 19:10 timoxley

@sindresorhus @timoxley I do think this is better in some ways than the spec. This library currently creates a sensible error message if a custom one isn't provided. With the official AggregateError:


vs current situation (and what the docs will have led users to do already in existing codebases):


So making it spec compliant would involve changing the message-less behaviour to make the resultant message prop less helpful. That might hurt a lot of users who auto-update when they get paged in the middle of the night with Alert! Error in production: "".

Given that, IMO making it spec compliant should be either a major release and make message required... or a non-goal - separate out functionality from the spec and rename to multi-error or something. As a user I'd prefer the latter. This library can be more useful than a polyfill (/ponyfill) of something coming to ES anyway.

mmkal avatar Dec 09 '20 14:12 mmkal

One idea would be to turn this module into a factory function createAggregateError() for the standard global AggregateError that does the smarter error messages. It could also make sure error instances are passed. It could do more than the current one even, e.g. if only one error is passed return it as-is (don't know if that's a good idea). And then maybe provide some additional functions for dealing with AggregateErrors, e.g. a type guard isAggregateError().

felixfbecker avatar Dec 09 '20 14:12 felixfbecker

I found this because I was looking for something roughly equivalent to verror, which is good but hasn't been published in four years. It'd be nice to have a semi-official way of aggregating errors. But AggregateError as defined in the ES spec is a bit limited. Maybe this library could go further in the verror direction rather than towards the ES spec, and provide helpers for wrapping errors etc.?

mmkal avatar Dec 09 '20 18:12 mmkal