undead, warlock, female, 1imp using pathfinding (mmaps), also using maps and vmaps edited StdAfx.h, removed comments at "#define TEST_PATHFINDING 1"
yeah it's not finished.. i guess that's why it's called "TEST"_PATHFINDING.. :P gonna try something.. i guess i know what's the problem..
okay, i told my pet to stay outside.. entered building.. leaved.. nothing crashed :) then i tried another thing.. entered building, told my pet to come, worked.. then i leaved...
oh, one more info.. sometimes i can enter and leave the buildings without any crash.. but when i enter the building jumping, or leave it jumping.. the chance of a...
sorry for spamming, but now i'm pretty sure it has to do with the pet.. it looks like it "stucks" somewhere.. it can't follow me to the building.. then it...
fishing in zone 3857 is not working BUT IT IS in the database..
npc flag 268435457 (gossip) is broken too for localisation..
npc flags are EVIL!! D:
Seems fixed.
Hi there, this issue is over a year old and nothing happened so far. It's still not possible to copy OMEMO fingerprints as text, which is really a bummer. Could...