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The Erlang REST framework
Leptus is an Erlang REST framework that runs on top of Cowboy web server.
Leptus simplifies creating RESTful APIs in Erlang.
** Requirements
- Erlang/OTP 18 or newer
- [[https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy][Cowboy 2.4.0]]
- [[https://github.com/davisp/jiffy][Jiffy 0.15.2]]
** Installation
Clone it, and run ~make~. Or add it to your rebar configuration.
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang {deps, [ {leptus, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/sinasamavati/leptus.git", {branch, "master"}}} ]}. #+END_SRC
** Quick Example
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang -module(hello). -compile({parse_transform, leptus_pt}).
%% leptus callbacks -export([init/3]). -export([get/3]). -export([terminate/4]).
init(_Route, _Req, State) -> {ok, State}.
get("/", _Req, State) -> {<<"Hello, leptus!">>, State}; get("/hi/:name", Req, State) -> Status = ok, Name = cowboy_req:binding(name, Req), Body = #{<<"say">> => <<"Hi">>, <<"to">> => Name}, {Status, Body, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _Route, _Req, _State) -> ok. #+END_SRC
#+BEGIN_SRC $ erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin #+END_SRC
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang 1> c(hello). 2> leptus:start_listener(http, [{'_', [{hello, undefined_state}]}]). Leptus started on #+END_SRC
#+BEGIN_SRC $ curl localhost:8080/hi/Leptus {"say":"Hi","to":"Leptus"} #+END_SRC
** Features
- Supports ~GET~, ~PUT~, ~POST~ and ~DELETE~ HTTP methods
- Can respond in plain text or JSON
- Supports basic authentication
- Can be upgraded while it's running (no stopping is required)
- Supports HTTPS
- Provides a simple way for dealing with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
** Documentation
Please refer to [[https://sinasamavati.com/leptus][https://sinasamavati.com/leptus]].
** Support
- [[https://github.com/sinasamavati/leptus/issues][Issue tracker]]
- #leptus IRC channel on Freenode
- [[https://groups.google.com/group/leptus][leptus]] mailing-list on Google Groups
** License
MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.