UnityExplorer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UnityExplorer copied to clipboard

[Bug]: Lobby breaks

Open hifoomin opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Are you on the latest version of UnityExplorer?

  • [X] Yes, I'm on the latest version of UnityExplorer.

Which release are you using?


Which game did this occur on?

Risk of Rain 2

Describe the issue.

MPEventSystem specific issue - the mod can sometimes completely break the lobby. Here's a fix someone wrote that was tested and works:

    void OnEnable()
        On.RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update += SurvivorIconController_Update; // This line should be called in dev mode or something when your mod is loaded
    void OnDisable()
        On.RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update -= SurvivorIconController_Update; // vice versa

	// The following function just needs to be accessible to the above code. It doesn't need to be anywhere specific.

	/// <summary>
        /// Allow UnityExplorer to be used in the character select screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orig"></param>
        /// <param name="self"></param>
        private static void SurvivorIconController_Update(On.RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.orig_Update orig, SurvivorIconController self)
            // Fix debug spam

            if (EventSystem.current == null)

            MPEventSystem system = EventSystem.current as MPEventSystem;

            if (system == null)


Relevant log output

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (01/03/2022 16:56:03)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.26.14694700
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: False
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.GUI.Patcher]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [FixPluginTypesSerialization]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 4 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   :BepInEx.GUI] Finding and launching GUI
[Info   :BepInEx.GUI] Found GUI Executable in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\UnityExplorer\BepInEx\patchers\BepInExGUI\rust\windows_x64\bepinex_gui.exe
[Info   :BepInEx.GUI] [SendLogToClient] Accepting Socket.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Message:FixPluginTypesSerialization] Using the config cache
[Info   :FixPluginTypesSerialization] Running under Unity v2019.4.26
[Debug  :FixPluginTypesSerialization] Unity version obtained from main application module.
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [RoR2] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 8 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [RoR2BepInExPack 1.5.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.1
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [R2API.ContentManagement 1.0.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [R2API.Networking 1.0.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.1
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [R2API.Prefab 1.0.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.0.6
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [R2API 5.0.6]
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.Core.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Awake
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: Dragonyck-PhotoMode-1.3.0
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [PhotoMode 1.3.0]
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: PhotoMode.dll for: RoR2.CameraRigController.OnEnable
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: PhotoMode.dll for: RoR2.CameraRigController.OnDisable
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: PhotoMode.dll for: RoR2.UI.PauseScreenController.Awake
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: sinai-dev-UnityExplorer-4.8.2
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [UnityExplorer 4.8.2]
[Message:UnityExplorer] UnityExplorer 4.8.2 initializing...
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] UniverseLib 1.4.3 initializing...
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Finished UniverseLib initial setup.
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: UnityEngine.Canvas.get_renderingDisplaySize
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: UnityEngine.Canvas.get_renderingDisplaySize
[Message:UnityExplorer] Initialized UnityCrashPrevention for: Canvas.get_renderingDisplaySize
[Info   :   BepInEx] TS Manifest: IHarbHD-DebugToolkit-3.8.0
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DebugToolkit 3.8.0]
[Info   :DebugToolkit] Created by Harb, iDeathHD and . Based on RoR2Cheats by Morris1927.
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Console.Awake
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: RoR2.Console.Awake
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Console.RunCmd
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Console+AutoComplete.SetSearchString
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Console+AutoComplete..ctor
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.UI.ConsoleWindow.Update
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: RoR2.UI.ConsoleWindow.Update
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.CCSetScene
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.CCSetScene
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.CCSceneList
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.PingerController.RebuildPing
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.Prefab.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab
[Info   :R2API.ContentManagement] Created a SerializableContentPack for mod iHarbHD.DebugToolkit
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered.
[Info   : Unity Log] buildId =
[Info   : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2019.2.12 Build 7544.
[Info   : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data\Plugins\x86_64
[Info   : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to loadingbasic
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: DebugToolkit.dll for: RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.Start
[Info   : Unity Log] application data path isD:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data
[Info   :   Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer
[Info   :   Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows
[Info   :   Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64
[Info   : Unity Log] PlatformSystems:InitNetworkManagerSystem
[Debug  :RoR2BepInExPack] Not scanning R2API.Utils.EmbeddedResources for ConVars due to it containing delegate pointer field(s)
[Info   : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: 
  arg[0]="D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe"

[Info   : Unity Log] "usesocialiconflag" is not a recognized ConCommand or ConVar.
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars.
[Info   : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg"
[Info   :R2API.ContentManagement] Generating a total of 1 ContentPacks...
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.ContentManagement.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentManager.SetContentPacks
[Info   : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Initialized Legacy Input support
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.set_current
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.set_current
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject
[Debug  :     R2API] Hook added by assembly:  for: UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Loaded modern bundle for Unity 2019.4.26f1
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] UniverseLib 1.4.3 initialized.
[Message:UnityExplorer] Creating UI...
[Message:UnityExplorer] UnityExplorer 4.8.2 (Mono) initialized.
[Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Items.SummonedEcho: Asset "SummonedEcho" not found.
[Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Equipment.AffixEcho: Asset "EliteEchoEquipment" not found.
[Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.AffixEcho: Asset "bdEliteEcho" not found.
[Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Elites.Echo: Asset "edEcho" not found.
[Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.Deafened: Asset "bdDeafened" not found.
[Debug  :R2API.ContentManagement] Content added from iHarbHD.DebugToolkit:
DebugToolKitComponentsNetworked (GameObject)
[Info   : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end
[Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "loadingbasic".
[Info   : Unity Log] Command "set_scene" failed: "intro" is not a valid scene.
[Info   : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 27622ms.
[Info   : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
[Info   : Unity Log] [RoR2.Stats.StatSheet] init stat sheet
[Info   : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/1e4be243-5a05-4fdd-a171-8d4eeb8dd924.xml
[Info   : Unity Log] stream.Length=483019
[Info   : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/3e6f2514-054f-443c-93fb-417dc08314a6.xml
[Info   : Unity Log] stream.Length=80580
[Info   : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/d28e4c73-148c-4f8d-9df8-56f9164b20b6.xml
[Info   : Unity Log] stream.Length=194922
[Info   : Unity Log] Tried to add duplicate node /Logbook/LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_MONSTER/NULLIFIER_BODY_NAME
[Info   : Unity Log] Tried to add duplicate node /Logbook/LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_MONSTER/VOIDJAILER_BODY_NAME
[Info   : Unity Log] Tried to add duplicate node /Logbook/LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_MONSTER/VOIDMEGACRAB_BODY_NAME
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to splash
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to intro
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to intro
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene intro loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene intro
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to title
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] BaseMainMenuScreen: OnEnter()
[Info   : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 }
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'ArenaMissionController' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'Moon2DropshipZone' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'HOLDER_ Gauntlets' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'VoidCamp' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.GetLocalUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_003C)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.set_survivorDef (RoR2.SurvivorDef value) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0070)
RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Build () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_00AD)
RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.OnEventSystemDiscovered (RoR2.UI.MPEventSystem eventSystem) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_000C)
RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.OnEnable () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0035)

[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to lobby
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.GetLocalUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_003C)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0024)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)

[Info   : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0
[Info   : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:259 pos:259
[Info   : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby loadedScenes=lobby
[Error  : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
[Info   : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
[Info   : Unity Log] SetSurvivorPreferenceClient survivorIndex=2, bodyIndex=32
[Info   : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for clyp (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 32
[Info   : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for clyp (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 32
[Info   : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg"
[Info   : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for clyp
[Info   : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
[Info   : Unity Log] Received vote from clyp
[Info   : Unity Log] Accepting vote from clyp
[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.FindNetworkUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.UpdateFromVotes () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0062)
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.SetChoice (RoR2.RuleChoiceDef newChoiceDef) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_001D)
RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewerStrip.SetData (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] newChoices, System.Int32 choiceIndex) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0048)
RoR2.UI.RuleCategoryController.SetData (RoR2.RuleCategoryDef categoryDef, RoR2.RuleChoiceMask availability, RoR2.RuleBook ruleBook) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_01EB)
RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewer.SetData (RoR2.RuleChoiceMask choiceAvailability, RoR2.RuleBook ruleBook) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0052)
RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewer.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0021)

[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.GetLocalUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_003C)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.UpdateFromVotes () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000)
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.Start () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000)

[Info   : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>clyp connected.</color>
[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.FindNetworkUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController.UpdateFromVotes () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0062)
RoR2.UI.RuleChoiceController+<>c.<.cctor>b__16_0 () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController.UpdateGameVotes () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_01BE)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController+<>c.<.cctor>b__40_0 (RoR2.PreGameController controller) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000)
RoR2.PreGameController.RecalculateModifierAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0100)
RoR2.PreGameController.OnNetworkUserUnlockablesUpdatedCallback (RoR2.NetworkUser networkUser) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0007)
RoR2.NetworkUser.CmdSendNewUnlockables (RoR2.UnlockableIndex[] newUnlockableIndices) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_005E)
RoR2.NetworkUser.CallCmdSendNewUnlockables (RoR2.UnlockableIndex[] newUnlockableIndices) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0021)
RoR2.NetworkUser.SendServerUnlockables () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_005F)
RoR2.NetworkUser.RpcRequestUnlockables () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_000D)
RoR2.NetworkUser.InvokeRpcRpcRequestUnlockables (UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkBehaviour obj, UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkReader reader) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0016)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkIdentity.HandleRPC (System.Int32 cmdHash, UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkReader reader) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0116)
UnityEngine.Networking.ClientScene.OnRPCMessage (UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkMessage netMsg) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0060)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkConnection.InvokeHandler (UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkMessage netMsg) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0024)
UnityEngine.Networking.LocalClient.ProcessInternalMessages () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_00B9)
UnityEngine.Networking.LocalClient.Update () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0000)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkClient.UpdateClients () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_001C)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkIdentity.UNetStaticUpdate () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0005)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkCallbacks.LateUpdate () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0000)

[Error  : Unity Log] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.GetLocalUser () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0005)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_003C)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.UpdateAvailability () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0024)
RoR2.UI.SurvivorIconController.Update () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0014)

[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene lobby
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to title
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] BaseMainMenuScreen: OnEnter()
[Info   : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 }
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'ArenaMissionController' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'Moon2DropshipZone' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'HOLDER_ Gauntlets' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'VoidCamp' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to lobby
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0
[Info   : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:259 pos:259
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException
Stack trace:
UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[T] () (at <469e86e97fa2467ebffe49bbd6086325>:IL_0021)
RoR2.NetworkUser.CallRpcRequestUnlockables () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_003A)
RoR2.NetworkUser.ServerRequestUnlockables () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0015)
RoR2.PreGameController.OnEnable () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_00AE)

[Error  : Unity Log] Exception in OnStartServer:   at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at RoR2.VoteController+<>c.<InitializeVoters>b__19_1 (RoR2.NetworkUser v) [0x00000] in <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () [0x0004d] in <55b3683038794c198a24e8a1362bfc61>:IL_004D 
  at RoR2.VoteController.InitializeVoters () [0x000b2] in <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_00B2 
  at RoR2.VoteController.OnStartServer () [0x00006] in <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0006 
  at UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkIdentity.OnStartServer (System.Boolean allowNonZeroNetId) [0x00115] in <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0115 
[Info   : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby loadedScenes=lobby
[Error  : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
[Info   : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
[Info   : Unity Log] SetSurvivorPreferenceClient survivorIndex=2, bodyIndex=32
[Info   : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for clyp (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 32
[Info   : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for clyp (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 32
[Info   : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg"
[Info   : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for clyp
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException
Stack trace:
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController.FindForUser (RoR2.NetworkUser networkUser) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000)
RoR2.PreGameController.GenerateRuleVoteController (RoR2.NetworkUser networkUser) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0007)
RoR2.PreGameController.Start () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_004B)

[Info   : Unity Log] Applying persistent ballot of votes for LocalUser clyp.
[Info   : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException
Stack trace:
UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[T] () (at <469e86e97fa2467ebffe49bbd6086325>:IL_0021)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkBehaviour.get_myView () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_000E)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkBehaviour.get_connectionToClient () (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0000)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController+<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<ServerHandleClientVoteUpdate>b__0 (RoR2.NetworkUser v) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0000)
System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) (at <55b3683038794c198a24e8a1362bfc61>:IL_002C)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController.ServerHandleClientVoteUpdate (UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkMessage netMsg) (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_000D)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkConnection.InvokeHandler (System.Int16 msgType, UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkReader reader, System.Int32 channelId) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_006C)
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkServer.InvokeBytes (UnityEngine.Networking.ULocalConnectionToServer conn, System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 numBytes, System.Int32 channelId) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_002A)
UnityEngine.Networking.ULocalConnectionToServer.SendWriter (UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkWriter writer, System.Int32 channelId) (at <38cf2203a086407887ef5401b3c0e5f6>:IL_0013)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0083)
RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController.Start () (at <abee4f3b46184662b4d0bd0bc9965114>:IL_0019)

[Info   : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>clyp connected.</color>
[Info   : Unity Log] DestroySelf

hifoomin avatar Apr 28 '23 18:04 hifoomin