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A tool for PHP multi process asynchronous tasks manage

PHP Mutilprocess

This is high performance PHP Mutilprocessing Task Manager written in PHP, compatible with PHP-FPM and CLI.
这是一个用PHP编写的高性能PHP多进程异步任务管理器,与PHP FPM和CLI兼容。


  • Feature
  • Installation
  • Usage
    • Async-Multi-Tasks
  • Documentation
    • Async


  • By using this tool, PHP scripts can be invoked asynchronously based on multi processes, and finally wait for each process to return results, saving lots of time.

  • graceful and efficient

  • can get callable function return value

  • You can specify the PHP path for asynchronous execution scripts by specifying the phpBin parameter.

  • Exception Handling


You can use composer to install this library from the command line.

composer require sinacms/multiprocess


distribute tasks and async execute


use Mutilprocessing\Async;

Async::create()->start('task.php', ['runTest'.$i]);

distribute tasks by a simple function and async execute

!!! WARN:please don't insert a '&&&' string in echo and return for some reason it will break down the program run


use Mutilprocessing\Async;

Async::create()->startFunc(function($param1, $param2) {
    echo $param1.$param2.PHP_EOL;
}, ['param1' => 'hello', 'param2' => ' world']);

$func = function ($param1, $param2) {
    echo "this is an another func";

Async::create()->startFunc($func, ['param1' => 'hello', 'param2' => ' PHP']); 

sync wait for all process end


use Mutilprocessing\Async;
$outData = [];
Async::wait(function($code, $out, $err) use(&$outData) {
//    var_dump($code, $out, $err);
//  you can handle code runtime exception like this
	 if (strlen($err) != 0) {
	 	//  do sth.
	 // and you can get return value like this
	 // more function detail see examples :)
	 array_push($outData, \Mutilprocessing\Async::getReturn($out));

outData structure:

echos represent echos in execute

returns represent return in execute

array(4) {
  [0] =>
  array(2) {
    'echos' =>
    string(5) "hello"
    'returns' =>
    string(0) ""
  [1] =>
  array(2) {
    'echos' =>
    string(6) "KZ RNG"
    'returns' =>
    string(10) "return 777"
  [2] =>
  array(2) {
    'echos' =>
    string(17) "EDG AFSreturn 888"
    'returns' =>
    string(0) ""
  [3] =>
  array(2) {
    'echos' =>
    string(6) "SKT RW"
    'returns' =>
    string(10) "return 666"

getArgs passed from Async::start

// please pass $argv[1] to get args

use Mutilprocessing\Async;

Async::getArgs($argv[1], 'key');

clean all task


use Mutilprocessing\Async;



  • Async

  • option shorthand

  • public static function create()
  • public static function start($scriptname, $args, $phpBin="", $envs = [])
  • public function startFunc(callable $function, $args = [], $phpBin="")
  • public static function discard()
  • public static function wait(callable $logHandler = null)
  • public static function getArgs($argv = null)
  • public static function getReturn($out)
  • FunctionParser

  • option shorthand

  • public static function genTmp(callable $function)


  • regCallback for each execution (on process)
  • add multi execution unit and start once