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Results 139 bulk_extractor issues
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bulk_extractor wordlist currently checks if a byte isprint(ch) && ch!=' ' && ch


1. Find every file on the disk with SleuthKit, process each file with bulk_extractor. 2. Next, process every run of sectors that wasn't handled with bulk_extractor. Computers are very different...


https://github.com/simsong/BEViewer is a copy of this repo now (so that it keeps the version history). But it's not a "Fork" in the GitHub sense, because the two repos are going...

One of the recorders writing to gps.txt is not putting in the MD5 as the feature in the feature file. This is evidenced when processing the [NPS 2TB drive](http://downloads.digitalcorpora.org/corpora/drives/nps-2011-2tb/).


We need a decoder for macho (Apple) object files.


Whitelist stats are reported to stdout but not to report.xml. Specifically: When _bulk_extractor_ initializes in `main.cpp`, it reads any alert list(s) and stop list(s) using function `word_and_context_list::readfile` in file `word_and_context_list.cpp`....

Make bulk_extractor run with disk images stored in EBS or on Amazon S3. Distribute work using SQS. Currently AWS is limited to m5.24xlarge nodes with 96 vCPUs. With this addition,...


I ran bulk extractor on a 13 GB hibernation file from a Windows 8 system with the same command on a Mac and then on a Windows system, but, got...

The current regex does not include generic TLD's. Is there any plan to include these in the future? https://github.com/simsong/bulk_extractor/blob/8bb26e4c16f543fd6c912521147615bfa48e545e/src/lg_patterns.cpp#L151


See [Fuzzing Code with AFL](https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/summer2016/gutmann)
