sisyphus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sisyphus copied to clipboard

Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more. Plugin developed to save html forms data to LocalStorage to restore them after browser crashes, tabs closings and other disasters.

Results 40 sisyphus issues
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Hello, It would be nice of the `onBeforeRestore` and `onRestore` callback could get a parameter that contains an array of all the restored fields. With this data we could do...

Hello, First of all, thanks for this code, it is really excellent! I noticed a bug since v1.1.3 about multiple checkboxes (bug is not present in v1.1.2). Since v1.1.3, the...

Is it possible to only remember changed inputs? My form only submits changed values, so multiple people can be updating the same resource at the same time and the only...

I get the following alertbox if I submit my form ![alertsisyphus]( This happens if I execute the following steps: 1. Fill out form 2. Leave page 3. Get back to...

### Motivation Latest version [71c0df4] works fine, but I have got a problem with autoRelease option. I see that the onRelease function is called after my form has been submitted,...

Hi, I am using Wordpress with Ninja Forms (they have a demo site here: ). Now I tried to add Sisyphus to such a form and everything seems to...

Everything works great. But when I go to the "next" page on my single page app and I go back and I change the data on the form It doesn't...

Hi, I am using CKEditor 4 and it is not saving any information I add into it. Any ideas on why? `` `` ` CKEDITOR.replace('addfaqtext'); $(function(){ $('form').sisyphus(); }); ` Thanks,...

Can someone confirm whether sisyphus.js supports Tinymce3 or Tinymce4? From my tests it works partially with Tinymce3, but not at all with Tinymce4. What I mean with 'partially' is that...

I need to restore previous version of form (the version that was before sisyphus save a draft). I need to do something like this ``` $("#formId").sisyphus({ onBeforeRestore: function() { return...