rust-tools.nvim copied to clipboard
Run :RustViewCrateGraph failed
HI @simrat39
Thanks for this useful plugin.
I got an issue.
cd tmp
cargo new hello_cargo
cd hello_cargo
nvim src/
and run :RustViewCrateGraph
doesn't work well.
Some Info rust-tools.nvim: eb6ac6ca69ec76fb5fde75d421022f6fd474629f
NVIM v0.6.0-dev+355-g187e3a3b7raph. This may take a while... Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
cargo 1.48.0 (65cbdd2dc 2020-10-14) rust: stable 1.55.0 (bottled), HEAD
macOS Big Sur Version 11.6 with XQuartz installed.
nvim for rust config
-- setup rust-tools
local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true
capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.resolveSupport = {
properties = {
capabilities = vim.tbl_extend('keep', capabilities or {}, lsp_status.capabilities)
capabilities.experimental = {}
capabilities.experimental.hoverActions = true
local opts = {
tools = {
autoSetHints = true,
hover_with_actions = true,
runnables = {
use_telescope = true
debuggables = {
use_telescope = true
inlay_hints = {
show_parameter_hints = true,
parameter_hints_prefix = "<-",
other_hints_prefix = "=>",
hover_actions = {
border = {
{"╭", "FloatBorder"}, {"─", "FloatBorder"},
{"╮", "FloatBorder"}, {"│", "FloatBorder"},
{"╯", "FloatBorder"}, {"─", "FloatBorder"},
{"╰", "FloatBorder"}, {"│", "FloatBorder"}
-- whether the hover action window gets automatically focused
auto_focus = true
crate_graph = {
-- Backend used for displaying the graph
-- see:
-- default: x11
backend = "x11",
-- where to store the output, nil for no output stored (relative
-- path from pwd)
-- default: nil
output = nil,
-- true for all and external crates, false only the local
-- crates
-- default: true
full = true,
-- enabled_graphviz_backends = {
-- "bmp", "cgimage", "canon", "dot", "gv", "xdot", "xdot1.2", "xdot1.4",
-- "eps", "exr", "fig", "gd", "gd2", "gif", "gtk", "ico", "cmap", "ismap",
-- "imap", "cmapx", "imap_np", "cmapx_np", "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "jp2",
-- "json", "json0", "dot_json", "xdot_json", "pdf", "pic", "pct", "pict",
-- "plain", "plain-ext", "png", "pov", "ps", "ps2", "psd", "sgi", "svg",
-- "svgz", "tga", "tiff", "tif", "tk", "vml", "vmlz", "wbmp", "webp", "xlib",
-- "x11"
-- }
server = { -- setup rust_analyzer
on_attach = lsp_on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities,
-- dap = {
-- adapter = {
-- type = 'executable',
-- command = 'lldb-vscode',
-- name = "rt_lldb"
-- }
-- }
-- setup rust-tools end
If my config or something is wrong, please let me know.
Thank you.
I'm guessing the x11
backend is not supported on mac os. Try changing it to something else in the config.
Hi there. @simrat39 I have the same issue. I tried changing my config to:
backend = "jpg",
for instance, but it'll still force it to x11
, receiving the same error message as above (Format: "x11" ...
Would it be possible that the option is not used (maybe a bug)?