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StyleKit copied to clipboard

CSS for iOS


At a Glance

Front-end developers, who create layout for HTML pages, know the simplicity and power of CSS classes. At some point I thought: why not to make something similar for native iOS apps? This idea was quite obvious. When the first version of the framework has been done, it was named StyleKit. Obvious name for obvious thing.

How To Get Started

  • Copy content of Source folder to your project.


  • Use UIStyle cocoapod


  • iOS 9.0 and later
  • Xcode 8 and later


Style is a set of UI attributes. Each style includes at least one attribute, but can include unlimited collection of attributes.

 * Create simple style with one attribute.
let attributes: [ViewStyleAttribute] = [
    .backgroundColor(color: .yellow)

let yellowBackground = ViewStyle(attributes: attributes)

 * Another way to create the same style.

let anotherYellowBackground = ViewStyle.with(attribute: .backgroundColor(color: .yellow))

 * Create style with multiple attributes.

let greenBackgroundWithThinRedBorder = ViewStyle.with(attribute: .backgroundColor(color: .green))
    .and(attribute: .borderColor(color: .red))
    .and(attribute: .borderWidth(width: 1.0))

Full list of attributes is available in ViewStyleAttribute.swift file.

Any style can be applied to any view. You can apply unlimited number of styles to the same view.

 * Apply style to view.

view.stl.apply(style: yellowBackground)

 * Apply multiple styles to view.

view.stl.apply(style: yellowBackground)
    .apply(style: greenBackgroundWithThinRedBorder)

Recommended way to manage styles in app is to implement a structure with static styles:

struct StyleStorage {
    static let defaultBackground = ViewStyle.with(attribute: .backgroundColor(color: .white))
        .and(attribute: .borderColor(color: .green))
        .and(attribute: .borderWidth(width: 2.0))
    static let thinOrangeText = ViewStyle.with(attribute: .textColor(color: .orange))
        .and(attribute: .font(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 36.0, weight: UIFontWeightThin)))

Those styles can be reused many times in different places of the app:

override func viewDidLoad() {
     * Initialize view.
    view.stl.apply(style: StyleStorage.defaultBackground)
     * Initialize title label.
    titleLabel.stl.apply(style: StyleStorage.thinOrangeText)

Also, it's possible to check programmatically if style supports view:

if StyleStorage.thinOrangeText.supports(view: helloLabel) {
    helloLabel.stl.apply(style: StyleStorage.thinOrangeText)


StyleKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.