express-admin copied to clipboard
settings.json is deleted when running with forever process
This is not necessarily a bug but a pretty big gotcha and I think a better solution could be implemented.
Executing the following command:
forever start -w -a -l ~/log/admin.log node_modules/express-admin/app.js ./config
Will delete your config/settings.json file.
In app.js the following code will cause the settings file to temporarily be empty and trigger a reload by forever. Ultimately this causes forever to fail and deletes the settings.json file.
var fpath = path.join(args.dpath, 'settings.json'),
updated = settings.refresh(args.settings, data);
fs.writeFileSync(fpath, JSON.stringify(updated, null, 4), 'utf8');
A workaround is to run forever with a --spinSleepTime
so the file has time to write.
forever start --spinSleepTime=3000 -w -a -l ~/log/admin.log node_modules/express-admin/app.js ./config
Perhaps a better solution would be to maintain a schema.json file that is different from use generated settings.json and then merge them together at runtime using a loadash utility.
Something like:
var fpath = path.join(args.dpath, 'settings.json'),
_.defaults(mergedSettings, userSettings, defaultSettings);
fs.writeFileSync(fpath, JSON.stringify(mergedSettings, null, 4), 'utf8');
Thanks for the workaround, let's keep this open for future reference :+1:
Just wanted to add one more comment to this.
I've currently been exploring and rather than forever and the same issue occurs.
I've tried playing with all the following options and nothign seems to work.
"watch_options": {
"usePolling" : true,
"interval" : 5000,
"alwaysStat": true,
"awaitWriteFinish": {
"stabilityThreshold": 5000,
"pollInterval": 5000
"atomic": 5000
I guess for now I'll just have to restart on deploy.
If I haven't mentioned it, thanks for this tool, it's great for quick starting projects.