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Efficient queue manager/processor in node.js
Efficient queue manager/processor in node.js.
Has a server/admin interface, available at qp-server.
$ npm install --save qp
Basic Usage
var QP = require('qp');
var qp = new QP();
var q = qp.getQueue('my-queue');
var job = q.create({
any: 'data'
// if you want to save a redis round trip, assign the job an ID.
job.id = Math.random().toString().slice(2);
// save the job for processing
var jobs = [
qp: 'does it really work?'
any: 'data'
cango: 'here'
q.multiSave(jobs, function(e,r) {
// all the above jobs have been saved
// process jobs, concurrency of 3
q.process(3, function(job, done) {
setTimeout(done, 5000);
// or just default to one at a time
q.process(function(job, done) {
setTimeout(done, 1000);
// stop processing cleanly
q.stop(function() {
// QP
var qp = new QP({
cleanShutdown: true, // default: false. set to true to have all workers complete all jobs prior to process exit
shutdownCB: function() { process.exit() }, // default: process.exit. set to you own function to handle exits cleanly
shutdownTimeout: 1000 // default: no timeout. force call of shutdownCB after this number of milliseconds if we haven't cleanly exited already
// any of these options can be specified above as options to new QP. Any options here will override those specified for QP.
var q = qp.getQueue('test', {
noInfo: true, // default: false. set to true to disable all job data (id only). reduces redis usage
noMeta: true, // default: false. set to true to disable all non-essential job metadata (only job data and attempts information stored). reduces redis usage
pubSub: false, // default: true. set to false to disable redis pubsub (used for the server/UI) which will reduce redis load
noBlock: true, // default: false. set to true to not use blpop on redis (reduces number of connections),
checkInterval: 20 // default: 200. if noBlock is true, number of ms to wait if no job is returned before checking again
unique: true, // default: false. whether or not each job ID should be checked that it's not already in the queue
deleteOnFinish: true, // default: false. if true, jobs will be removed from redis as soon as they're completed. useful for high throughput queues where historical job records arent needed
zsets: false, // default: true. whether or not to maintain zsets of active, completed, failed and active jobs. will reduce redis ops if disabled but will remove numJobs + server functionality. will probably need deleteOnFinish to be true for this not to leave old jobs in redis
noLogs: true, // default: false. disable job logs
randomID: true, // default: false. use Math.random().toString().slice(2) to generate job IDs, instead of incrementing a redis counter
storeTypes: false // default: true. whether to store a list of different queue names under qp:job:types
// processing
concurrency: 10, // default: 1. number of workers to spawn (if min/max rates are set then concurrency will be automatically adjusted)
maxRate: 20, // default: Infinity (no limit). maximum number of jobs to process per `rateInterval`
minRate: 8, // default: 0 (none). minimum number of jobs to process per `rateInterval`
rateInterval: 2000, // default: 1000. number of ms to check the rates over
checkInterval: 1000, // default: rateInterval / 10. number of ms to wait between checking the processing rate (lower = higher accuracy and less bursting)
maxSpawn: 1 // default: Infinity. the maximum number of new workers to spawn when we're going too slowly
}, function(job, done) {