Invoicer copied to clipboard
An easy to use library to generate PDF invoices for .NET.
A simple PDF invoice generator for .NET.
new InvoicerApi(SizeOption.A4, OrientationOption.Landscape, "£")
.Image(@"vodafone.jpg", 125, 27)
.Company(Address.Make("FROM", "Vodafone Limited", "Vodafone House", "The Connection", "Newbury", "Berkshire RG14 2FN"))
.Client(Address.Make("BILLING TO", "Isabella Marsh", "Overton Circle", "Little Welland", "Worcester", "WR## 2DJ"))
.Items(new List<ItemRow> {
ItemRow.Make("Nexus 6", "Midnight Blue", (decimal)1, 20, (decimal)166.66, (decimal)199.99),
ItemRow.Make("24 Months (£22.50pm)", "100 minutes, Unlimited texts, 100 MB data 3G plan with 3GB of UK Wi-Fi", (decimal)1, 20, (decimal)360.00, (decimal)432.00),
ItemRow.Make("Special Offer", "Free case (blue)", (decimal)1, 0, (decimal)0, (decimal)0),
.Totals(new List<TotalRow> {
TotalRow.Make("Sub Total", (decimal)526.66),
TotalRow.Make("VAT @ 20%", (decimal)105.33),
TotalRow.Make("Total", (decimal)631.99, true),
.Details(new List<DetailRow> {
DetailRow.Make("PAYMENT INFORMATION", "Make all cheques payable to Vodafone UK Limited.", "", "If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact our sales department at [email protected].", "", "Thank you for your business.")