jquery-google-reviews copied to clipboard
simple jquery Plugin that utilizes Google API to get data from a Place on Google Maps
jQuery Plugin to display Google Reviews of a Place on Google Maps
this will get the 5 reviews, google offers you.
But I need more than 5 reviews!
if you need more, let me direct you a bit: https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/review-data#list_all_reviews - but this will be a different project all by its own
I do not like jQuery!!!1eleven
The NPM Package is here - Frontend Devs will know how to webpack :) or simply extract the code and adapt it to your needs, dropping jQuery as a dependency.
Inspired by Steven Monson's magnificent article here: https://www.launch2success.com/guide/display-google-reviews-website-2017/ or check out Steven's github. Steven's code is based on peledies jquery plugin repo. So, I simply remixed their work into this repo. Thank you guys!
Dear beginners and copy-pasters
:octocat: For those of you, who are new in programming or can only copy-paste, please make sure, that jQuery, the Google Maps API and the .js-file of this plugin are successfully loaded, before you call this script in your html page.
./demo/index.html is a working demo, the comments will guide you :wink:
You must have jQuery in your project: jQuery
add the .js and .css of this repo to your project (see ./demo/index.html for inspiration :wink:)
if you do not have a working Google Maps API key already: create a Google API Key: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/ make sure to set a limit to your payments
add the following line with your Google Maps API key with the key param:
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=places&key=YourApiKeyHere"></script>
add an empty div element in your html template with an unique ID, where the reviews should show up. In this case:
<div id="google-reviews"></div>
How to get link to “View All Google Reviews” or "Write a review"
Please see the official Documents for this topic:
Step 1. Open a browser, but don’t use Chrome. You can use Firefox, or Edge, or even Internet Explorer but not Google Chrome because it alters the URL and your link will not work correctly.
Step 2. Go to Google.com and search for your company’s name.
Step 3. Find the card on the right and click “View All Google Reviews” or "Write a review"
Step 4. Copy the URL in the address bar.
Step 5. Now paste the URL as a link on
Call the Plugin
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
if ($("#google-reviews").length == 0) {
// Find a placeID via https://developers.google.com/places/place-id
placeId: 'ChIJZa6ezJa8j4AR1p1nTSaRtuQ',
// the following params are optional (default values)
header: "<h3>Google Reviews</h3>", // html/text over Reviews
footer: '', // html/text under Reviews block
maxRows: 5, // max 5 rows of reviews to be displayed
minRating: 4, // minimum rating of reviews to be displayed
months: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"],
textBreakLength: "90", // length before a review box is set to max width
shortenNames: true, // example: "Max Mustermann" -> "Max M."",
moreReviewsButtonUrl: '', // url to Google Place reviews popup
moreReviewsButtonLabel: 'Show More Reviews',
writeReviewButtonUrl: '', // url to Google Place write review popup
writeReviewButtonLabel: 'Write New Review',
showProfilePicture: true
Are Pull Requests welcome?
Yes, of course :octocat:
You do not need to update the demo folder! I will do this, when your code was merged.