async copied to clipboard
SomeAsync and value replacement
cancelMany :: [Async a] -> IO ()
is ... okay, but it's annoying when cancelling Async
s with multiple types. Some options:
-- Not very nice. Allocates wrappers unnecessarily.
data SomeAsync = forall a. SomeAsync !(Async a)
cancelSomeAsyncs :: [SomeAsync] -> IO ()
-- Is a `some` dependency okay, or copying stuff from there?
cancelSomeAsyncs :: [Some Async] -> IO ()
-- Potentially expensive if there's a lot of `fmap`ping and not a lot of inlining.
cancelAsyncs [() <$ thisOne, () <$ thatOne]
-- Can we make <$ cheaper? Yes, but it makes `Async` bigger. Any we need
-- to unsafeCoerce with Any to allow Async to unbox (ugh).
data Async a = Async !ThreadId !(TMVar (Either SomeException Any)) (Any -> a)
a <$ Async tid mv fun = Async tid mv (const a)
Nothing I'd call a beautiful solution.
Oh yeah, there's also the HList
y option:
data Asyncs :: [Type] -> Type where
Nil :: Asyncs '[]
(:<) :: {-# UNPACK #-} (Async a) -> Asyncs as -> Asyncs (a ': as)
But a custom heterogeneous list type doesn't seem appropriate for this package.