async copied to clipboard
Eq instance is shady
ghci> a <- async (pure 3)
ghci> a' = fmap (+1) a
ghci> a == a'
ghci> wait a
ghci> wait a'
That doesn't make any sense to me. I think it would be better to remove the Eq
and Ord
instances and just provide custom comparison operations that explicitly operate only on the thread IDs.
We could have a SomeAsync
with legitimate instances.
The simple way:
data SomeAsync = forall a. SomeAsync (Async a)
instance Ord SomeAsync where
compare (SomeAsync (Async t1 _)) (SomeAsync (Async t2 _)) = compare t1 t2
Alternatively, we could do this:
-- Any instead of a proper existential so this can unpack
data Async a = Async
{ asyncThreadId :: !ThreadId
, _resVar :: !(TMVar (Either SomeException Any))
, _resMod :: (Any -> a) }
instance Functor Async where
fmap f (Async tid rv g) = Async tid rv (f . g)
-- Note that <$ replaces the function instead of adding onto it
x <$ Async tid rv _ = Async tid rv (const x)
data SomeAsync = SomeAsync_ !ThreadId !(TMVar (Either SomeException Any))
instance Ord SomeAsync where
compare (SomeAsync tid1 _) (SomeAsync tid2 _) = compare tid1 tid2
pattern SomeAsync :: MyAsync a -> SomeAsync
pattern SomeAsync x <- ((\(SomeAsync_ tid mv) -> MyAsync tid mv (const ())) -> x)
SomeAsync (MyAsync tid tmv _) = SomeAsync_ tid tmv
Another variation on that last is to make SomeAsync
a newtype around Async
, using the tricks in the some
package. That could be good for things like cancelMany
Not a big fan of SomeAsync
, why not just have sameAsync :: Async a -> Async b -> Bool
We should have that, yes, but I think sometimes people want to be able to do things like use Async
s for Set
or Map
keys for whatever reason. SomeAsync
, by any implementation, allows that.
Ok, fair point.
would also be more useful if it took [SomeAsync]
instead of [Async a]
. Do you have an opinion about which SomeAsync
representation to use? I'm partial to the approach of separating the TMVar
from the mapping function myself—while that makes the Async
heap object one word larger, it reduces the size of the function closure and allows for a more efficient <$>
Not to leave this hanging indefinitely - basically I consider this "bug" to be something of a technicality. If we fix it, the cure better not be worse than the disease, and the disease is pretty mild IMO.