Thomas Simonini
Thomas Simonini
Hey there 👋 we updated the import but with a different technique, we moved all our demos to github repo see:
Hey there 👋 what's the error you got?
Strange, can you check which version of MLAgents you used?
Are you cloning from: ?
@Yusuf-Agac that's weird 🤔. What was the message during the mlagents setup?
@Yusuf-Agac your welcome 🤗 I'm sorry for this weird bug though but glad you found a solution.
Thanks I'm relaunching the machine
I relaunch the machine. But did you tried to visualize your agent playing with our Space?
Hey there 👋 we have some problems with this Unit, we're going to make a clean update on it next month. Since many students get problems.
Hey there 👋 this error has been solved we changed from Google Drive to Github. We updated Huggy notebook. If you still have issues don't hesitate to comment below. For...