2017-goals copied to clipboard
:sparkles: :heart_decoration: :sparkles: My professional and personal goals for 2017.
2017 Goals
✨ 💟 ✨ My professional and personal goals for this year inspired by my boyfriend Afonso Pacifer.
Big Goals
- [ ] Improve my english level
- [ ] Become a front-end developer
- [ ] Become a CSS Evangelist
- [ ] Learning Javascript Frameworks
- [ ] Open Source Developer
- [ ] Starting new job
- [ ] Read a book in the month
- [ ] Personal Goals
Improve my english level
- [ ] Only a study list for improve my english!
Become a front-end developer
Become a CSS Evangelist
I want to learn new things for share with the world, below are anythings that I'm working!
- [x] Variáveis Nativas com CSS at Geek Night Recife in February 2017.
- [x] Acelerando o tempo com CSS Grid Layout e senna.js at Liferay Recife in March 2017.
- [x] Acelerando o tempo com CSS Grid Layout at Hangout GDG-BH in April 2017.
- [x] Das tabelas ao futuro com CSS Grid Layout at 19º Encontro Locaweb Recife in April 2017.
- [x] Front-end na vida real at AESO - Barros Melo in August 2017.
- [x] Você precisa de um framework CSS? at FEMUG-PE in August 2017.
- [x] Montando layouts em um mini game chamado Browser at CSS Day Recife in September 2017.
- [x] Manipulando CSS em produção com JS at JS Day Recife in December 2017.
- [x] Adeus Flexbox, bem vindo CSS Grid Layout! in March 2017.
- [x] Você precisa de um Framework CSS?
- [x] O dia em que as mulheres dominaram o palco em um evento de TI ❤
- [ ] Desvendando os segredos do CSS Grid Layout.
- [ ] Variáveis CSS - A Vingança da Plataforma.
- [x] Django Girls heart com CSS Grid Layout e Custom Properties - By Simone Amorim.
- [x] Terminologia e Suporte - CSS Grid Layout #000.
Learning Javascript Frameworks
- Vanilla JS
- [ ] TODO JS
- [x] List API Rest with JS
I want to learn some Javascript Frameworks and create any project with them
- [ ] Alarm clock for developers
- [ ] React ES6 Reference
- [ ] React TODO
- [ ] Lista de Contratos
- [ ] desafio-frontend
- [ ] VUE TODO
Open Source Developer
My Projects
- [x] simoneas02.github.io - 🔯 My personal website
- [x] made-with-heart - <💜 /> A Polymer element for show your love!
- [ ] awesome-grid-layout - 👓 A curated list of CSS Grid Layout Module or only Css Grid.
- [ ] iloveit_boilerplate - 🎯 📌 A template create open source projects more organized.
- [ ] code-style-guide - Code Style Guide
- [ ] css-grid-layout-manual - Learning CSS Grid Layout by complete manual.
Starting new job
- [x]
I'm looking for new job where I can to pratice my new skills
Read a book in the month
- [ ] See my book list for this year
Personal Goals
Soon I'll go return my activitys bellow
- [ ] Running 10km for week
- [ ] Working the Nike Training