Simon Byrne

Results 352 comments of Simon Byrne

@lcw I believe this was due to you: do you have any particular preferences now? I would be pro-MIT license: as far as I know, the main difference is the...

There are no technical obstacles as far as I'm aware, I think it is more that no one has made a request for them. Are there any in particular you...

I've now simplified the collective buffer code. Hopefully this should make it easier to implement non-blocking versions.

Can you try the following: ``` julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.status()' mpiexec julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.status()' ```

I don't know what the second error is about. Can you put ``` using Pkg Pkg.status() ``` in a file called `status.jl` and run it with `mpiexec -n 1 julia...

Hmm, looks like the permissions are still not set correctly. Unfortunately i'm not familiar with Windows permissions. Can you use the BinaryBuilder-provided binary? Try setting `JULIA_MPI_BINARY=""` and rerun `"MPI")`.

> Thanks for the hint! I've looked at `PackageCompiler.jl` before but discarded it (for now), since we still have mostly "dev" runs and only very few "production" runs. If I...

One challenge is that `mpiexec` doesn't play nicely with interactive sessions (something to do with TTY/PTYs). It seems that `tmpi` gets around this by starting a tmux session outside `mpiexec`,...

Having thought about this a bit more, the only long-term solution I see is having a mechanism by where you run the REPL in a different (non-MPI) process, and it...

Also looks like you pushed this to master already? I'll revert that for now.