
Results 55 comments of Simon816

Looks like it's done with AJAX because of the javascript logic before the request

You probably could do it in the controller and just have a form instead

Perhaps it could even support the MediaWiki link format that GitHub Wiki supports ( i.e. `[[Link Text|WikiLink]]`

Here's a dump of all string columns currently in the schema: ``` notifications.action | character varying(255) notifications.message | character varying(255) | character varying(20) play_evolutions.apply_script | text play_evolutions.hash | character...

ForgeMultipart is now maintained by TheCBProject:

Please see issue #247, and the 4 duplicates if you want. This was fixed in version If a mod wants an older version, you must remove it and update...

@jordsta95 Please read my comment above you. You need to update FMP to or greater

It's actually a Tinker's Construct problem. The call to [`InventoryCrafting#getStackInRowAndColumn`]( in the vanilla crafting inventory will return `null` if the row/column is out of bounds, but TiC is not checking...

See this issue: Re-run the forge installer and make sure `libraries/org/scala-lang` exists,

Your `banned-players.json` file is corrupt. You need to fix the invalid JSON or delete it. Since the server unexpectedly shutdown I highly recommend restoring from a backup since there could...