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MQTT-SN gateway and client implementations written in Java. Lightening fast. MQTT-SN is an optimised version of MQTT, designed for low powered sensor devices.
MQTT For Small Things (SN)
MQTT-SN is an optimized version of the MQTT specification designed for use on small, low powered, sensor devices, often running on the edge of the network; typical of the IoT.
View the initial MQTT-SN Version 1.2 specification written by Andy Stanford-Clark and Hong Linh Truong from IBM.
Table of Contents
- MQTT-SN Evolved
- MQTT / MQTT-SN differences
- Project Goals
- Gateway System Diagram
Quick Start
- Gateway Console
- Client CLI
- Gateway CLI
Quick Build
- Maven Modules
- Build
- Listeners
- Transport
- Authentication & Authorization
- Message Integrity
- Clustering
- Performance & Benchmarking
- Security
- Version 2
- Configuration
- Cloud Platform Deployments
- Related People & Projects
MQTT-SN Evolved
As of late 2020, the MQTT technical committee at OASIS (via a sub-committee led by Ian Craggs (Ian's Blog) and myself Simon Johnson (Simon's LinkedIn)) are working on standardisation and changes to bring MQTT-SN more in line with MQTT version 5. This is an ongoing piece of work which we hope to formalise and conclude in 2022.
MQTT / MQTT-SN differences
The SN variant of MQTT is an expression of the protocol using smaller messages, and an optimised message lifecycle. All the features of a core MQTT broker are available to the SN clients, with the gateway implementation hiding the complexities of the protocol using various multiplexing techniques. An SN client has no need of a TCP/IP connection to a broker, and can choose to any transport layer; for example UDP, BLE, Zigbee etc.
Project Goals
Notable open-source works already exists for various MQTT and MQTT-SN components, the main ones of note are listed below; many fall under the eclipse PAHO project. The work by Ian Craggs et al on the MQTT-SN Java gateway set out the wire transport implementation and a transparent gateway. That is a gateway which connects a client to a broker side socket and mediates the access. The goal of this project and its work is to provide an open-source version 1.2 & version 2.0 aggregating gateway and a version 1.2 & version 2.0 client implementation all of which should conform to the specifications. I also hope to lay the groundwork in this project to allow custom plugins for cloud services and security services to be bound to a compliant gateway or client.
Gateway system diagram
The system was built to be pluggable, to allow implementations to provide their own functionality and implementations where needed. Some aspects of the system are mandatory, others (for example AAA, Backend broker implementation etc) can be plugged in as required by a deployment.
Quick Start Guide
I have created simple interactive command lines for both client and gateway components to allow simple testing and use. The interactive client and gateway both use preconfigured default runtimes which can be used to evaluate / test the software. For more complex use, please refer to the source build and configuration.
Gateway Console
It is possible to entirely setup, monitor and maintain the gateway programmatically and via build configuration. It became obvious though that for getting up and running simply, it made sense to be able to install and monitor it via a web application. I have built a simple bootstrap console that allows you to monitor traffic and configure your connectors at runtime.
In order to use this, simply download the latest artefact from the releases area, run the gateway and point your browser at <hostName>:8080 and you will be challenged by HTTPD auth. The default username and password is admin/password - please be sure to change these for installations. To change the admin point, you can use configuration or use -DconsolePort=
Client CLI
The latest interactive client build can be obtained from the releases section. The client will connect to any compliant version 1.2 or version 2.0 gateway. You will need to input the remote gateway details when requested by the wizard. Download the mqtt-sn-client-VERSION.jar and run locally using;
java -jar <path-to>/mqtt-sn-client-VERSION.jar
The latest gateway build can be obtained from the releases section. This build is the console configuration which requires no backend broker. It can be used to configure a backend connection as well Download the mqtt-sn-gateway-VERSION.jar and run locally using;
java -jar <path-to>/mqtt-sn-gateway-console-VERSION.jar <port> <gatewayId>
I have used the maven build system to combine the modules in with their dependencies. All builds have been tested and can be shaded to create a simple release jar package.
Module | Language & Build | Dependencies | Description |
mqtt-sn-codec | Java 1.8, Maven | Mandatory | Pure java message parsers and writers. Includes interfaces and abstractions to support future versions of the protocol. |
mqtt-sn-core | Java 1.8, Maven | Mandatory | Shared interfaces and abstractions for use in the various MQTT-SN runtimes |
mqtt-sn-client | Java 1.8, Maven | Client | A lightweight client with example transport implementations. Exposes both a simple blocking API and an aysnc publish API to the application and hides the complexities of topic registrations and connection management. |
mqtt-sn-gateway | Java 1.8, Maven | Gateway | The core gateway runtime. The end goal is to provide all 3 variants of the gateway (Aggregating, Transparent & Forwarder) where possible. I have started with the aggregating gateway, since this is the most complex, and the most suitable for larger scale deployment. |
mqtt-sn-gateway-connector-aws-iotcore | Java 1.8, Maven | Optional | Connector to bind into AWS IoT Core using X.509 certs |
mqtt-sn-gateway-connector-paho | Java 1.8, Maven | Optional | Simple aggregating gateway using an out of the box PAHO connector to manage the TCP side |
mqtt-sn-load-test | Java 1.8, Maven | Tools | Provides a runtime to spin up N clients and connect to a gateway instance and test concurrency and message throughput |
Git checkout the repository. For a simple standalone jar execution, run the following maven command in the parent pom - the build will cascade.
mvn clean install
This will yield a file in your mqtt-sn-gateway-console/target directory that will be called mqtt-sn-gateway-console-
java -jar <path-to>/mqtt-sn-gateway-console-VERSION.jar <listenPort> <gatewayId>
When you have a running gateway, you can login to http://localhost:8080/ and use the admin console to administer your gateway.
Runtime (Gateway & Client)
You can hook into the runtime and provide your own implementations of various components or bind in listeners to give you control or visibility onto different aspects of the system.
Publish Listeners
Application messages sent and received by the application can be accessed by registering publish listeners against the runtime.
client.registerPublishReceivedListener((IMqttsnContext context, String topic, int qos, byte[] data, boolean retained) -> {
// some custom code that will be called for every confirmed messages received
client.registerPublishSentListener((IMqttsnContext context, UUID messageId, String topic, int qos, byte[] data) -> {
// some custom code that will be called for every confirmed messages sent
Traffic Listeners
All traffic to and from the transport layer can be monitored by the application by registering traffic listeners. These will get called back after the traffic has been sent / received to the transport adapter top enable you to see what is going over the wire.
withTransport(new MqttsnClientUdpTransport(udpOptions)).
withTrafficListener(new IMqttsnTrafficListener() {
public void trafficSent(INetworkContext context, byte[] data, IMqttsnMessage message) {
System.err.println(String.format("message [%s]", message));
public void trafficReceived(INetworkContext context, byte[] data, IMqttsnMessage message) {
System.err.println(String.format("message [%s]", message));
Transport Implementations
By default the gateway and client have been implemented with UDP, but you can very easily plug transport implementations into the runtime by hooking the transport layer. You transport implementation should extend AbstractMqttsnTransport.
withTransport(new YourTransportLayerImplementation()).
Authentication and Authoris(z)ation
To add your own checks to validate if a given clientId or networkAddress should be able to CONNECT to a gateway, you can bind in your own authentication provider to the runtime as follows;
withAuthenticationService(new IMqttsnAuthenticationService() {
public boolean allowConnect(IMqttsnContext context, String clientId) throws MqttsnException {
return true;
To change the default behaviour of authorisation (what a client is allowed to access within the system) you can bind in your own authorization provider as follows;
withAuthorizationService(new IMqttsnAuthorizationService() {
public boolean allowedToSubscribe(IMqttsnContext context, String topicPath) throws MqttsnException {
return false;
public int allowedMaximumQoS(IMqttsnContext context, String topicPath) throws MqttsnException {
return 0;
public boolean allowedToPublish(IMqttsnContext context, String topicPath, int size, int QoS) throws MqttsnException {
return false;
Message Integrity
You can optionally configure the gateway and client to require and produce message verification on either all packets or payload data. If enabled you must choose from HMAC (suggested) or CHECKSUM integrity checks. When enabled, data packets or payload will be prefixed with integrity fields according to the chosen specification which will then be validated by the receiver. The available integrity options are listed below with their respective lengths.
Type | Name | Field Size |
HMAC | MD5 | 16 Bytes |
HMAC | SHA-1 | 20 Bytes |
HMAC | SHA-224 | 28 Bytes |
HMAC | SHA-256 | 32 Bytes |
HMAC | SHA-384 | 48 Bytes |
HMAC | SHA-512 | 64 Bytes |
CHECKSUM | CRC-32 | 4 Bytes |
CHECKSUM | Adler-32 | 4 Bytes |
Use the following code to change the configuration on your runtime options.
MqttsnSecurityOptions securityOptions = new MqttsnSecurityOptions().
withIntegrityType(MqttsnSecurityOptions.INTEGRITY_TYPE.hmac). //hmac or checksum
withIntegrityPoint(MqttsnSecurityOptions.INTEGRITY_POINT.protocol_messages). //should each message be integrity prefixed or just payload
withIntegrityKey("my-pre-shared-key") //only used in HMAC
The gateway runtime can be clustered. During connection establishment; the clustering service is notified of the connecting device. At this point, the implementation is responsible for synchronising the state of previous sessions onto the local gateway. For more information about clustering support please contact me to discuss the available options as the environment onto which the gateway is deployed impacts how clustering is achieved.
Performance & Benchmarking
The single host deployment of the gateway will happily handle tens of thousands of connected devices processing many thousand messages per second. I have yet to undertake a formal benchmark. Of course there are many points of configuration which can be tuned to match specific traffic patterns. The runtime allows you to tune various settings that will impact performance including (but not limited to):
- Number of allowed connections
- Size of thread pool to handle protocol messages
- Size of thread pool to handle outbound publish messages
- Size of thread pool to handle message expansion (connector ingress)
- Max. lost/sleeping/disconnected session retention time
- Max. session queue size
- Max. backend queue size
- Backend publishing rate limiter (connector egress)
- Min. flush time
- Max. back pressure queue size (defaults to caller runs strategy)
I have provided some pre-configured performance profiles which have been optimised for slightly different deployment models.
Performance Profile | Description |
BALANCED_GATEWAY_GENERAL_PURPOSE | For use on more limited hardware on local networks. Optimised for low memory, low CPU. |
BALANCED_CLOUD_GENERAL_PURPOSE | General purpose cloud infrastructure deployment. Recommended for most scenarios. |
INGRESS_CLOUD | For use on cloud infrastruture where the traffic pattern services many devices sending inbound PUBLISH messages |
EGRESS_CLOUD | For use on cloud infrastruture where the traffic pattern services devices with many matching SUBSCRIPTIONS yeilding egress PUBLISH messages |
I have run a limited set of benchmarks using the mqtt-sn-load-test project. Benchmarking MQTT-SN is a little different than MQTT due to the constraint of only a single message being inflight for a given client at any point in time, therefore running some of the scenarios that are used to benchmark MQTT is not comparable since the message inflight rule provides an artificial bottleneck; further the round-trip latency is coupled to the latency of the backend broker.
This is a very expansive subject that can't really be covered here, and I would urge anyone looking to deploy this runtime in production to reach out to discuss performance optimisation.
MQTT and MQTT-SN do not impose any normative restrictions or rules for security since they are a transport procotol and therefore security sits outside the standard's purview. However, it should be incumbent upon any implementor to ensure their systems are secure in order to mitigate some common attack vectors. I have highlighted some topics below that are of interest to any deployment, taken from the security section of the respective specifications along with other items gleaned myself over the years. Adopt a secure by design principle!
Version 2.0
There were a number of changes considered for the standardisation process into V2.0. It is also worth noting a number of issues were discussed but NOT included, a breakdown of these can be found in the OASIS ticket system. My intention is to support both version 1.2 and version 2.0 on both the gateway and the client side. Below lists the changes between versions and the status of each change relating to its function in this repository.
Below is a listing of the changes adopted for the standardisation work. There were also more general changes to the document text to add clarity to parts that may have been considered to be ambiguous or to draw more alignment to MQTT version 5.0.
Ref | Title | Description | Change Type | Implemented |
539 | Remove topicId from PUBACK packet | topicId being named and present in PUBACK was causing confusion and was not needed. | Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
540 | Clarify max size of small message types | Wording change to indicate that the size of small messages is 0-255 (< 256) octets inclusive. | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
541 | Clean session should act like MQTT 5.0 | cleanSession changed to cleanStart and sessionExpiryInterval introduced to CONNECT packet. | Functional | :heavy_check_mark: |
542 | Allow zero length clientId in CONNECT | The client should be able to pass a zero length clientId in the CONNECT packet. This indicates it should be assigned a clientId by the gateway. This assignedClientId should be sent back by the gateway as part of the CONNACK packet | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
543 | Allow long topic names in PUBLISH for all QoS | The client should be able to pass a full topic name into the PUBLISH packet. Add a new topicIdType 0b11 to identify it. | Functional & Packet | |
544 | Add returnCode to UNSUBACK | Specify returnCode on the UNSUBACK packet | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
545 | Ensure zero byte retained PUBLISH clears RETAINED messages | Align functional description of zero byte retained PUBLISH messages with MQTT 5.0. | Functional & Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
546 | Improve description of sleeping client packet workflow | Clarity added to sleeping client description and sequence diagrams. | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
550 | Mandate the use of separate namespaces for device normal topic alias | Each device should have its own normal topicId space, distinct from other device's normal topicId space. | Functional & Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
552 | Clarify that gateways should accept QoS -1 messages from sleeping clients | A device should be able to publish at QoS -1 from any state, including sleeping. This should be made clearer in the specification. | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
553 | Clarify the lifecycle of normal topicIds | Topic Alias mappings exist only while a client is active and last for the entire duration of the active state. A receiver MUST NOT carry forward any Topic Alias mappings from one active state to another. | Descriptive & Functional | :heavy_check_mark: |
554 | Sleeping state message buffering | Clarify that the gateway can choose to buffer QoS 0 messages during sleep state | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
555 | Clarify gateway behaviour when REGISTER called for a PREDEFINED topic | Adding the topicIdType type to a REGACK to allow the gateway to inform clients of topic for which a PREDEFINED mapping already exists | Descriptive & Functional | :heavy_check_mark: |
558 | Clarify small topic name format | Need an explicit definition of 2 octet (16 bit) ints | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
559 | Increase duration on DISCONNECT | Increase the duration a client can sleep for from 16 bit to 32 bit. Change from duration to sessionExpiryInterval | Descriptive & Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
560 | Align error codes with MQTT 5.0 where appropriate | Increase the number of error codes in use and provide reason strings where appropriate | Descriptive & Packet | |
561 | Improve ping flush operation | Add maxMessages field to PINGREQ and messagesRemaining to PINGRESP to allow client to only retrieve some of their buffered messages before returning to sleep | Descriptive & Functional & Packet | |
568 | Authentication | Add auth field to CONNECT and create SASL based authentication workflow | Functional & Packet & Descriptive | |
570 | Align terminology with MQTT 5.0 | Message becomes application message or packet, topic name become topic name or topic filter, error code becomes reason code | Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
572 | Constrain MQTT-SN to only 1 inflight message in each direction | Update text to mandate that a client may only have a single message inflight in each direction at any given time | Descriptive & Functional | :heavy_check_mark: |
573 | Subscription Options | Add noLocal, retainAsPublished and retainHandling to SUBSCRIBE packet | Descriptive & Functional & Packet | |
574 | Add reason string to DISCONNECT | In conjunction to 560, add a textual representation to the DISCONNECT packet | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
575 | New protocol version | Add a new protocol version | Functional & Descriptive | :heavy_check_mark: |
576 | Separate the flags field for CONNECT, SUBSCRIBE & PUBLISH | The flags field is no longer aligned across packet types so each packet needs its own description | Descriptive & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
581 | Add sessionExpiryInterval to CONNACK | The gateway can choose to change the value of the session expiry by sending the value | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
582 | Add maxPacketSize to CONNECT | The client should be able to specify a max packet size they will be able to receive | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
585 | Add sessionPresent indicator to CONNACK | The gateway should be able to communicate back to the client whether a session was held locally during non cleanStart | Functional & Packet | :heavy_check_mark: |
Packet Types Affected By v2.0 Changes
Packet Name | Change Type | Updated In Codec? |
AUTH | NEW | :heavy_check_mark: |
CONNACK | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
CONNECT | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
PINGREQ | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
PINGRESP | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
PUBACK | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
PUBLISH | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
REGACK | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
SUBACK | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
SUBSCRIBE | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
UNSUBSCRIBE | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
UNSUBACK | MODIFIED | :heavy_check_mark: |
The default client/gateway behaviour can be customised using configuration options. Sensible defaults have been specified which allow it to all work out of the box. Many of the options below are applicable for both the client and gateway runtimes. You can change the value of these settings in code OR from a system property where the system property matches the configuration parameter. For example -DmaxClientSessions=45 will change the maximum number of sessions allowed on the gateway.
Options | Default Value | Type | Description |
contextId | NULL | String | This is used as either the clientId (when in a client runtime) or the gatewayId (when in a gateway runtime). NB: This is a required field and must be set by the application. |
maxWait | 10000 | int | Time in milliseconds to wait for a confirmation message where required. When calling a blocking method, this is the time the method will block until either the confirmation is received OR the timeout expires. |
maxClientSessions | 100 | int | The maximum number of sessions allowed on the gateway |
generalPurposeThreadCount | 1 | int | How many threads are used to provide general purpose asynchronicity |
transportIngressThreadCount | 1 | int | How many threads are used to process protocol messages (those inbound from clients and acks outbound) |
transportEgressThreadCount | 1 | int | How many threads are used to process outbound publish messages (gateway to device publish messages) |
queueProcessorThreadCount | 1 | int | How many threads should be used to process connected context message queues (should scale with the number of expected connected clients and the level of concurrency) |
discoveryEnabled | false | boolean | When discovery is enabled the client will listen for broadcast messages from local gateways and add them to its network registry as it finds them. |
maxTopicsInRegistry | 128 | int | Max number of topics which can reside in the CLIENT registry. This does NOT include predefined alias's. |
msgIdStartAt | 1 | int (max. 65535) | Starting number for message Ids sent from the client to the gateways (each gateway has a unique count). |
aliasStartAt | 1 | int (max. 65535) | Starting number for alias's used to store topic values (NB: only applicable to gateways). |
maxMessagesInflight | 1 | int (max. 65535) | In theory, a gateway and broker can have multiple messages inflight concurrently. The spec suggests only 1 confirmation message is inflight at any given time. (NB: do NOT change this). |
maxMessagesInQueue | 100 | int | Max number of messages allowed in a client's queue. When the max is reached any new messages will be discarded. |
requeueOnInflightTimeout | true | boolean | When a publish message fails to confirm, should it be re-queued for DUP sending at a later point. |
predefinedTopics | Config | Map | Where a client or gateway both know a topic alias in advance, any messages or subscriptions to the topic will be made using the predefined IDs. |
networkAddressEntries | Config | Map | You can pre-specify known locations for gateways and clients in the network address registry. NB. The runtime will dynamically update the registry with new clients / gateways as they are discovered. In the case of clients, they are unable to connect or message until at least 1 gateway is defined in config OR discovered. |
sleepClearsRegistrations | true | boolean | When a client enters the ASLEEP state, should the NORMAL topic registered alias's be cleared down and reestablished during the next AWAKE or ACTIVE states. |
minFlushTime | 25 | int | Minimum time in milliseconds between last interaction and next interaction (allows gateway to be slowed down go allow constrained devices time to process) |
discoveryTime | 3600 | int | The time (in seconds) a client will wait for a broadcast during CONNECT before giving up |
pingDivisor | 4 | int | The divisor to use for the ping window, the dividend being the CONNECT keepAlive resulting in the quotient which is the time (since last sent message) each ping will be issued |
maxProtocolMessageSize | 1024 | int | The max allowable size (in bytes) of protocol messages that will be sent or received by the system. NB: this differs from transport level max sizes which will be determined and constrained by the MTU of the transport |
Cloud Platform Deployments
It has become more common to want to deploy a gateway and combine it with IoT cloud support. There are a number of ways of achieving this, utilising the cloud SDKS for which examples are provided. Deployment of the gateway on the edge is normal; however it has also become more common to deploy a gateway as a cloud service in its own right. There are a number of factors that need to be considered in this deployment scenario; not-least security and scaling. If you would like to cover this off in more detail, please ping me to discuss.
NOTE - Google IoT Core has been discontinued as of August 2022, and will switch off in 2023. The connector is now officially end of life.
Related people & projects
Our goal on the MQTT-SN technical committee is to drive and foster a thriving open-source community. Listed here are some related open-source projects with some comments. If you would like me to include your repository below, please issue a Pull Request and add it.
Project | Author | Link | Description | Client | Gateway | Version 1.2 | Version 2.0 |
Org SLJ Mqtt-Sn Java Gateway & Client | Simon Johnson | GitHub Repository | Dependency free, pluggable, lightweight pure Java Mqtt-Sn. Includes client and gateway implementations with both 1.2 and 2.0 support. Contains codecs, client, gateway, cloud connectors & load testing utilities | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Paho Mqtt-Sn C Embedded | Various | GitHub Repository | C implementation of a transparent MQTT-SN gateway, client and codecs | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_multiplication_x: |
Mqtt-sn Transparent Java Gateway | Ian Craggs & jsaak | GitHub Repository | Java implementation of a transparent MQTT-SN gateway | :heavy_multiplication_x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_multiplication_x: |
Paho Mqtt Java Client | Various | GitHub Repository | Fully featured MQTT Java client library | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Paho Mqtt C Client | Various | GitHub Repository | Fully featured MQTT C client library | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Paho Mqtt C Embedded | Various | GitHub Repository | Fully featured embedded MQTT C client library | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Zephyr RTOS | Various | GitHub Repository | Embedded RTOS that features a client library | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_multiplication_x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_multiplication_x: |
Implementation Notes
It has become clear that something that is fundamentally missing from the MQTT-SN and MQTT space generally are authoritative implementation notes. To that end, myself and other committee members have decided to start the process of creating implementation guides which can details both normative and non-normative details of a particular implementation approach. To that end, I will produce implementation details in the OASIS Repository.