locator-tool copied to clipboard
No L.Marker, but a colored circles for a view mode and not only camera points in view mode.
[feature request]
For a view mode like https://locator-tool.toolforge.org/#/map?category=Category:Muskau_Park&categoryDepth=7 make not (only) markers,
but a small circles like
var l = L.geoJSON(x.geoJSON, {
style: x.st,
pointToLayer: function(feature, φλ) {
return L.circleMarker(φλ, { radius: 4, weight: 3, color: feature.color });
You can determine radius, wight and colour
- for points of camera with no point of object
- for points of camera with point of object
- for points of object with no point of camera
- for points of object with point of camera
Full query with both camera and object points have URL like https://wikimap.toolforge.org/api.php?cat=NAME&subcats&subcatdepth=8&camera=true&locator=true&allco=true .
Thank You for useable utility, @simon04 !