editor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
editor copied to clipboard

Small PHP Code Editor for editing text files on a web server

This project is a single PHP file that can be uploaded to a webserver. It will then allow browsing and editing of files using an HTML5 editor (no browser plugins required).

The purpose of this project is to allow code editing/deleting/uploading on shared web space where FTP or other means of editing is unavailable or not practical (such as a Chromebook).

Advantages over FTP

  • No IDE software needs to be installed
  • No complex firewall rules
  • HTML5 only - perfect for Chrome OS

Disadvantages over FTP

  • Limited functionality
  • Must upload php script to begin with


Upload the editor.php file (in the dist/ directory) to the root of your web space then point your browser to http://yoursite.com/editor.php and login to edit files. Default password is 'admin'.

Install - via SSH

cd public_html
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simon-thorpe/editor/master/dist/editor.php

Install - via FTP

  • Upload editor.php to the root of your web directory

Install - via CMS

Some content management systems allow creating simple text files. All you need to do is create a file editor.php (or any name you like) then paste the contents of dist/editor.php into that file.

Building from Source

git clone https://github.com/simon-thorpe/editor.git
cd editor
npm install
# edit dev files in src dir
# built file is in dist dir


Uploading a file to the server

curl yoursite.com/editor.php -s -H "Cookie: editor-auth=yourpass" -F p=/home/yoursite/public_html/calendar.json -F 'content=<calendar.json'