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Zap is a fast web framework built on Dart
Hi, Do you have any plan to build a example complete website, where you are using DI, Routing etc.
Fix zap_dev to support installation using dart pub global activate zap_dev command. Just added two lines in pubspec.yaml
In preparation for server-side rendering, we need some mechanism to generate components that don't depend on `dart:html`. This will likely be a build option, but we can make the transition...
This is currently broken: ``` @prop num lat, lon, zoom; ```
In zap components, we move local variables to instance variables in a component. As flow analysis only works for local variables, code relying on flow typing will break. We could...
A few friendly suggestions: - It would be great to enable Discussions on this repo so that questions could be asked that aren't really issues with the framework. - Additionally...
We have some examples live on the documentation page, but we should have more! In particular, we're currently missing out on larger or even end-to-end examples that could be downloaded...
We currently just add a class to every selector, which doesn't appear to always be correct and certainly isn't the most efficient approach. This process could probably be optimized, for...
Forgive the noob question, but I am assuming Zap does not offer a router, since I saw no documentation about it. So what can be used as a router? Are...