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How to retrieve list of primary keys after batch insert?
Hello! Thanks for all the work you have put into moor
, I am really enjoying it.
I have an association between some entities in my tables that are many-to-one. When I insert something from the "one" side of that table relationship, the model I bring into my use case also contains a list of entities that correspond to the "many" table.
I have been using a batch insert like so for the "many" insert:
Future<Either<Failure, Null>> insertWorkouts(
{List<WorkoutEntity> workoutEntities, int regimenId}) async {
final companions = workoutEntities
.map((workout) => WorkoutsCompanion(
regimenId: Value(regimenId),
dayNumber: Value(workout.ordinalDayOfWeekNumber),
weekNumber: Value(workout.ordinalWeekNumber),
description: Value(workout.description),
startTime: Value(workout.time),
completionStatus: Value(workout.completionStatus),
await batch((batch) {
batch.insertAll(workouts, companions);
I would like to return a list of primary keys (int, preferably in insertion order) from this method, but I can't figure out how to do so. Can someone please advise?
Was looking for this as well the other day.
You could perform the bulk insert in a transaction and use SELECT last_insert_rowid()
to figure out the rowids.
If your primary key is AUTOINCREMENT
so that rowids aren't re-used, you could do List.generate(companions.length, (i) => lastInsertId-i)
Otherwise you could do something like SELECT rowid FROM workouts WHERE rowid > (SELECT last_insert_rowid() - ${companions.length})
You could perform the bulk insert in a transaction and use
SELECT last_insert_rowid()
to figure out the rowids.If your primary key is
so that rowids aren't re-used, you could doList.generate(companions.length, (i) => lastInsertId-i)
.Otherwise you could do something like
SELECT rowid FROM workouts WHERE rowid > (SELECT last_insert_rowid() - ${companions.length})
Thanks, this is quite helpful.
@kuhnroyal and others, I decided to create a small example here in this issue for posterity, and to help future searchers:
Future<List<int>> bulkInsertAndReturnIds(List<EntitiesCompanion> companions) async {
final lastRowId = await transaction(() async {
await batch((batch) {
batch.insertAll(entities, companions);
final queryRow = await customSelect(
"SELECT last_insert_rowid()",
readsFrom: {entities}, // The table for these hypothetical companions is called 'entities'
return queryRow
.data // QueryRow map, only key-value pair is {last_insert_rowid: rowId}
.values // [rowId]
.first as int; // rowId
return List.generate(companions.length, (i) => lastRowId - i);
Thanks for the script, I faced the same problem.
I want to mention that the generated list needs to be reversed to respect the same order as the original companions' list. Or the generate method could just be
(i) => lastRowId - companions.length + i