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Encryption - cross platform

Open andrewpmoore opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

I've been using moor on some side projects for a while and love it. I've recently moved the project across to ffi/web so I can support web plus android & ios. That works great too.

I'm looking at migrating the project for my main work across from sqlite to moor as there's a requirement for a web app, but we are using the encrypted version of sqlite.

I've read here https://moor.simonbinder.eu/docs/other-engines/encryption/ about encryption, but that's talking about using FlutterQueryExecutor but if moving to ffi and web is it possible to have encryption also?

andrewpmoore avatar Apr 18 '20 13:04 andrewpmoore

The encrypted executor uses sqflite_sqlcipher as implementation, which supports iOS, Android and macOS. If you don't need another OS or a moor_ffi-only feature, using that would probably be the best approach.

At the moment, we don't support an encrypted version of moor_ffi. The actual implementation would be rather straightforward (just switch the sqlite shared library to SQLCipher and set a password pragma). It looks like I'd have to publish precompiled shared libraries for SQLCipher though.

Using SQLCipher on the web would probably be a hassle, but you can encrypt the stored data yourself. In the next moor version, you could provide your own MoorWebStorage implementation that encrypts on the way.

simolus3 avatar Apr 18 '20 20:04 simolus3

is encryption supported on web ?

prismvineeth avatar Dec 28 '23 17:12 prismvineeth

No it's not at the moment, although it may be worth noting that it provides little benefit in browsers. Your data is already origin-private, so other websites don't have access to it. And someone controlling the browser would have access to the unencrypted database when it's loaded in memory either way.

simolus3 avatar Dec 28 '23 19:12 simolus3