Atm the moment, if no scalars exist for the results the key does not exist for views of a node. Could me add the the key even if there are...
Hey I found these lines: Should they be there, as it is not the Storage Investment Block? So there is no investment. Maybe copy paste error?
I think it might be a nice feature to write results to CSV based on a standard logic (e.g. as we had in renpassGIS). We would need a structure for...
Would be nice to have capacity and reserver margin constraints for the investment optimization models. We now have a place with the constraints module and it should be straightforward (I...
Pyomo tends to be quite slow with lots of memory usage for large LPs. This has been discussed by other frameworks like calliope, PyPSA or urbs as well. There are...
The add method does not really work, a delete method does not exist. I think these are very important methods. This is related with how to deal with multilpe energysystems...
I transferred this from the wiki, which seemed to be forgotten: Here are some quick ideas to start with (any further suggestions are welcome): ### Bus balances * check if...
Hey, I wondered if there is a way to represent a many to many (many to 1, 1 to many) relation within a data package using foreign-keys. I do not...
In the README not all examples are described. Do we want to have an updated list there or just remove these information from the README (I vote for latter, as...
I added an directory for the oemof 0.3 examples. Currently there is only one new example for the the new core that will be in the new version. I hope...