Reggie Simmons
Reggie Simmons
I removed the clearfix class in the Photon slider with the latest update, just fyi.
So just News Slider particle? We are using the following in several particles: ``` configuration: caching: type: static ```
Wow, what was the point of adding this to begin with then? What a massive reversal.
Updated all RocketTheme CMS source particles that use `caching type: static` to ``` caching: type: config_matches values: source: 'particle' ``` So it only caches when the source being used is...
Update will be available during next themes update.
WooCommerce should compatible with any of our Gantry 5 themes. I am not aware of any changes needing to be made to our theme files for it to be compatible.
In case anyone is interested, italic fonts should just be loaded as separate font in gantry/theme.yaml. For example: ``` fonts: lato: 400: 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-regular/lato-regular-webfont' 700: 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-bold/lato-bold-webfont' lato-italic: 400: 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-italic/lato-italic-webfont' 700: 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-bolditalic/lato-bolditalic-webfont'...
But look at your source code: Search for font face (or the lato-italic, etc.) and you will see that neither lato-bolditalic, lato-lightitalic, or lato-italic-webfont are loading.
In your case, I would just add this to your custom.scss file: ``` @include font-face("lato", 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-blackitalic/lato-blackitalic-webfont', 900, italic); @include font-face("lato", 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-bold/lato-bolditalic-webfont', 700, italic); @include font-face("lato", 'gantry-theme://fonts/lato/lato-italic/lato-italic-webfont', 400, italic); @include font-face("lato",...
If not, would be nice to see `data-aos-disable` attribute option.