Simon Tretter

Results 116 comments of Simon Tretter

Ah thanks, very interesting, yeah the type:module flag will help me a lot, or any option to overrule this behaviour. A flag for "full" ESM mode would be even better,...

I tried this appraoch,unfortunately I still get cached results for error pages, and even worse, with a wrong status code. the issues happens for dynamic routes. e.g. /:city/:name if the...

Hey Andrew,yes still using it. True that,not sure what happened to the repo owner?!

Experience the same during lerna publish Somehow only happening since today, didn't update lerna though 🤔 npm install --package-lock-only --ignore-scriptslerna ERR! lerna npm ERR! code ETARGETlerna ERR! lerna npm ERR!...

Could it be related to npm@9? This was set to latest npm yesterday Ref Wednesday Nov. 9th (General Availability) To ensure [email protected] is considered "non-breaking" for Node.js LTS...

It is definitely related to npm v9, works with version 8.

@ghiscoding I'm not sure if this is really a fix or more just a workaround. I think it could be related to .. as it sounds like the package...

hi @clarkdo, thanks for your review. Actually your comment was pretty much the same as my first implementation, but as @pi0 stated correctly, this will loose some magic nuxt can...

As far as I understand, there are two concercn about using the "postcss" parameter as a function. First, we are actually talking aobut the postcss-loader here, which has an object...

I agree with @clarkdo , to make things future proof I would suggest deprecating the old "root" options for `plugins` at least. Right now I've implemented followign logic: * everything...