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A small jQuery method for preventing orphans in text

jQuery Unorphanize

A small jQuery method for preventing or stopping orphans (widows) in text, paragraphs or whatever (unhindered by HTML).
~ 500 bytes minified

How it works


Unorphanize will take the jQuery selector ( $(".selector")) you supply and without disturbing theinner html's markup will replace the last space with an   preventing an orphan from occurring.

If you wish the last line to have more than 2 words, you can supply an argument in number format like so:


Why it's better than "Plugin X"

Unorphanize will recognize if you have HTML elements, and not ruin them: Most other plugins will do it a bit faster, but they will ignore HTML tags and put the space before/after them, or they will just not work. They may also put the space inside of a html entity like: <a&nbsp;href="#">blah</a> which as you can imagine is useless.
You should, however, run it before you bind events to inner dom elements, or you may lose those events. Or you can delegate events from the parent element.


A Line of text which wraps and leaves an

would change to:

A line of text which wraps and leaves 
an orphan.

and with $(".selector").unorphanize(2); we get:

A line of text which wraps and 
leaves an orphan.