logger copied to clipboard
Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.
I think that this library should me more _Dart like_ in place of _Android like_. So for me there will be better to use Dart Levels (`package:logging/logging.dart`) in place of...
Add isStackTraceEnable options to prettyPrinter You can enable/disable StackTrace those printed on the console by the new option added to PrettyPrinter
This is a printer that prints the calling function + the message, and optionally the time in one line. This makes the logger much easier to use with VSCode. VSCode...
``` import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:logger/logger.dart'; import 'package:logger/src/filters/type_filter.dart'; import 'package:logger/src/loggers/caller_logger.dart'; var logger = CallerLogger( ignoreCallers: { 'syncTryCatchHandler', }, filter: TypeFilter( ignoreTypes: { IgnoredClass, }, ignoreLevel: Level.warning, ), level: Level.verbose, ); void...
This is the new home of this library: https://github.com/SourceHorizon/logger
I want to use 'FileOutput' method but it's undefined_method code: Logger(output: FileOutput(file: File('my path'))); > **error : The method 'FileOutput' isn't defined for the type '_MyHomePageState'. Try correcting the name...
Because logger_flutter >=0.7.0 depends on logger ^0.7.0 and XXX depends on logger ^1.1.0, logger_flutter >=0.7.0 is forbidden.
In VS Code in the debug console, error messages are very hard to read because they are blue text on red background. It would be great if there were a...
Hi I am using MultiOutput to Log to multioutput location. Below is my code to Create logger ``` List delegateList = List.empty(growable: true); for (var element in logUploadMechanism) { delegateList.add(getloggerDelegates(element));...