auto_size_text copied to clipboard
AutoSizeText does not work on Web
Steps to Reproduce I am currently running Flutter Beta 1.19.0-4.3.pre, and when I use AutoSizeText with a maxLines, the text does not resize. Instead, it will only keep the texts within the max number of lines and get rid of the rest of the text.
Code sample
children: [
width: size.width * 0.3,
child: Image.asset('assets/Organizers_1.jpg')
SizedBox(width: size.width * 0.2,),
width: size.width * 0.3,
height: size.height * 0.1,
child: AutoSizeText('Sign up as a member or a manager. Manager is able to post events on a shared calendar that all members are able to view.',
style: TextStyle(height: 2,), maxLines: 3,
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- Flutter version: [Beta 1.19.0-4.3.pre]
- auto_size_text version: [^2.1.0]
I currently have the same problem...
@leisim are you still working on this plugin?
Having the same issue. I'm using Flutter Web. The overflow text gets cut off entirely. Height resizes. Width doesn't resize. All other text gets cut out of frame.
Still breaks in release builds or after hot-reload on flutter web
flutter 3.1.0-9.0.pre