
Results 179 comments of simar7

thanks for the feedback @chen-keinan - to continue the discussion, I've made a small PoC with the smallest of changes to try to make it work. There's a small test...

Sorry it's been a while, but my original motivation was to programmatically build stuff rather than exec a tinygo process. Let me know if there's any interest in pursuing this....

> @simar7 can you explain why you need it to be a library rather than an external command? There's nothing wrong with running an external command. In fact that's what...

To add to what @liamg said and to summarize my chat with him, I would like to propose the following: 1. Bringing back the OCI artifact policy logic into Trivy,...

hi all, I'd just like to share my update on this prior to my upcoming vacation just in case any of you wanted to pick it up while I was...

Some more info, if you need to test locally how to setup and run you could do this: 1. setup a local registry: `docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 registry`...

PR is ready for review:

> Fixed by adding podSecurityContext: fsGroup: 1099 It should be activated by default > > ``` > podSecurityContext: > fsGroup: 1099 > securityContext: > runAsUser: 1099 > runAsGroup: 1099...

Agreed we can make it better and welcome to ideas. We also have this existing issue that we should also think of when tackling this: Welcome to ideas and...