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rc-car mystery cloud50A/80A problem
hi all, mybe is usefull for all, i have this issue in my rc car after flashed the esc: appens sometime randomly when the car is near, and ever when is about at 50meters and over, as Simon i think could be the rc signal input dirty, or grownd reference problems, but why with original firmware this not appens? .. when the motor can start nothing can stop it :D very powerfull and better than original control! only this start problem, no1 had this in the past? thanks
added info: the bip when rc signal lost is deactivated in the fw settings
with 3s battery when i use the car in 20 meters around transmitter the problem not appen, when i go over it block my car beeping until a random start or i must go near to take the controll, if i use 6s lipo the problem appen near too
12/04/2013 from the last try: until the motor is running i can use my car in entire transmitter rage, if the motor stop running the esc can't recognize se signal coming from the receiver (i see sometime start in backward when i give forward command) .. i wait for resolve this, mybe in a quadcopter it dont uppen because motors dont stop far from transmitter
Hi, Dan!
I saw this, too, on my old RC-10 with AM radio. I didn't get to the bottom of it, but with my latest commits, it seems totally fine now. I'm hoping I didn't paper over a bug with some changes. The main change I did make was moving the RC timeout beeps to a 2 second period after the actual RC timeout occurs. The beeps now basically mean that there wa sno input for two second and the ESC has now disarmed. The power is still cut if there is no signal for ~128ms.
The other commit made recently was to reintroduce the throwing away of too-short commits, which might be slightly helpful/safer in some corner cases. That wouldn't cause the problem showed, however.
The main change that probably started showing the problem you are seeing is the reduction of the actual timeout to ~128ms (2 instead of RCP_TOT), back in ff2d6e36cafaea8693eadc63a43ab4f6ef7a473f . This was done for safety reasons.
Let me know how the newest version works for you! I tried it in my RC-10 the other day and was quite happy with COMP_PWM mode (beware timing with this mode, though. Is it a Mystery Cloud 50A? I can check mine, if so), and the LOW_BRAKE mode (thumb brake) instead of any sort of neutral/drag brake. I still need to add reverse on timeout or second entry into reverse area for those who want to use reverse as a brake (to start).
thanks fot the reply :) yes is mystery cloud 50A the 80A have the same hardware with bigger mosfets so use rb50a too, when i back to home i try your new changes, thanks a lot :D
Hi Dan,
Did the later versions work for you? I still need to add the brake first, reverse later, but to be honest, I'm really pretty happy with the way it works on my RC10 regardless. A proportionally-driven brake might be nice, though I'm quite used to driving that thing with the thumb brake on the old Airtronics XL-2P I'm using. :)
hi Simon, i have try your new fw and it works better than before, thanks for the great work you have done, i had to do in this months, and i need time to finish my car :) thanks for support, if i see something wrong i'll tell you :)
Hello! Yes, since 0534f7ba32, we now disarm after 2 seconds of no signal and play the beep then, instead of playing the beep whenever signal is lost and never disarming. Power is still cut if there is no signal after about 128ms, but if it returns, there is no delay while the thing is busy trying to beep. Cheers!