Eunbyung Park
Eunbyung Park
Thanks for your prompt reply. 1. I also ran other pytorch implementation, and none of them (I tried 2 different codes) approached same level of accuracy as reported in original...
yeap, what I meant by was for new task. And, also it seems model-ensemble in RL is not as popular as supervised classification setup. BTW, do you remember the accuracy...
Thanks for your quick response, I do really appreciate it. It would be much appreciated if you could share the results of non-ensemble of both MAML++ and MAML. Anyway, your...
@spk921 @kyungjaelee sorry for late response, Unfortunately, I have no idea what is going on here, I didn't write ObjRenderer code, you might want to contact original author.
@spk921 I had no problem to build objrenderer. I didn't put the rendered images here since they are huge. I put rendered chair images on google drive([chair](, could you try...
@spk921 what do you mean by environment?, it was ubuntu 14.04
@itswyri Thanks!