RPi_Cam_Web_Interface copied to clipboard
bash: /usr/bin/raspimjpeg: No such file or directory
when i finish the install,it can not work, sh start.sh shows bash: /usr/bin/raspimjpeg: No such file or directory, did i miss something?
I have not seen that one before but that error indicates that something has gone wrong with your install.
The raspimjpeg process is installed in /opt/vc/bin together with all the other raspberry image and video utilities like raspistill. It also creates a link /usr/bin/raspimjpeg to that folder so that the raspimjpeg can be found without using a path.
- Did you install the camera support (raspi-config) before doing the install? If not then check the support is now enabled and re-install
- Check that raspimjpeg exists (ls /opt/vc/bin/raspimjpeg
- Check that link exists (ls -l /usr/bin/raspimjpeg)
If link doesn't exist then although you could manually create it, I would still recommend repeating the install as if that part is wrong then other parts may be wrong as well.
3point check finished, that is error log now pi@raspbian:~/RPi_Cam_Web_Interface$ sh start.sh
- readlink -f start.sh
- dirname /home/pi/RPi_Cam_Web_Interface/start.sh
- cd /home/pi/RPi_Cam_Web_Interface
- source ./config.txt start.sh: 40: start.sh: source: not found
- fn_stop
- sudo killall raspimjpeg
- sudo killall php
- sudo killall motion
- sudo mkdir -p /dev/shm/mjpeg
- sudo chown www-data:www-data /dev/shm/mjpeg
- sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm/mjpeg
- sleep 1
- sudo su -c raspimjpeg > /dev/null & www-data bash: /usr/bin/raspimjpeg: No such file or directory
- [ -e /etc/debian_version ]
- sleep 1
- sudo su -c php /var/www//schedule.php > /dev/null & www-data
OK but please do the checks 1, 2 and 3 above,
I had this issue once. It was caused by running start.sh before everything is up to date. A fresh flash rom and follow the installation instruction step by step on the wiki page. One more thing, Do not run the following code if you using a not-too-old version of RPI-OS.
cd bin mv raspimjpeg raspimjpeg-buster mv raspimjpeg-stretch raspimjpeg cd ..
Give it a go, good luck.
Just have this issue, is it because I'm using raspi os 64 bit?
This application uses the legacy camera support which is not compatible with 64 bit version of the OS.
I have amended the wiki to make this clear.
L'application a t elle évoluée vers la version 64 bits ?
I just ran into this. Sad that it doesnt work on x64.