Kelvin Hu
Kelvin Hu
@rolandoam Please paste your call stack here.
Glad it works finally :-p
That's a great idea, may implementation later.
However, mustache is in melpa: Could you please use `package-list-packages` command to see if mustache is in the list?
`mustache` and `mustache-mode` are two different packages. org-page depends on `mustache` but not `mustache-mode`.
Use `package-refresh-contents` to refresh the list, and also, check if you have the following configuration in your Emacs configuration file: ``` (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) ```
@vipzrx Thanks for the reminder!
Does the directory "c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/" exist? If exists, then you may open a cmd shell in that directory and execute `git init` to see what happens.
According to the message, it seems because your git executable cannot be found. You may check the variable `git-executable` to see if it is `nil`, and also, run `(executable-find "git")`...
Glad to see it works, congratulations! :-)